Half and half refers to a dairy product that is composed of 50% milk and 50% light cream. Both components are mixed in equal parts hence the term “half and half”. Many people use half&hellip
What is
What is Lyme disease?
Lyme disease is a disease that is caused by an infected tick. At least three species of bacteria are identified to cause Lyme disease. These bacteria are typically transmitted from ticks to humans and cause&hellip
What is condensation?
Condensation is a process that converts a gas substance into liquid form. The substance that undergoes condensation is chemically the same with only its physical state changing. The process involved in condensation is often referred&hellip
What is a good SAT score?
SAT or Scholastic Aptitude Test is an exam typically given to graduating high school students for the purpose of college admissions. Some high school students as early as their sophomore years may take the SAT.&hellip
What is a hair toner?
Hair toners are products that help even out hair color and texture after several hair treatments like bleaching and coloring. Many people typically have hair color concerns when they frequently add color to their hair.&hellip
What is argon?
Argon is the most abundant noble gas present in the Earth. About 1% of the Earth’s atmosphere is composed of Argon. In terms of behavior, Argon is considered very stable but not totally inert. This&hellip
What is diclofenac sodium?
Diclofenac sodium is a drug that is commonly prescribed for patients with arthritis-related conditions. It’s a prescription-only drug which simply means that this drug is not available on an over-the-counter basis. The basic action of&hellip
What is a kidney stone?
A kidney stone refers to mineralized stone that is formed inside the kidney or other nearby structures like the urinary tract. This stone is formed from the minerals or crystal build-up in the kidneys after&hellip
What is amplitude?
Amplitude refers to the energy possessed by different waves. Higher levels of amplitude simply correspond to higher energy levels that are present on a particular wave. When measuring amplitude, the distance is taken between the&hellip
What is Easter?
In the Christian world, Easter represents the day when Jesus Christ resurrected from the dead. Based on the writings of the Holy Bible, Christ’s supposed resurrection occurred three days after he was put to the&hellip
What is atomic radius?
Atomic radius is a measurement used in atoms involving the distance from the center or nucleus to the outermost parts of the electrons. In a single atom, the nucleus is typically situated at the center&hellip
What is atomic mass?
Atomic mass refers to specific weight of a specific atom or atomic particle. The value for atomic mass also includes sub-atomic particles and their specific masses. As opposed to atomic weight which is also referred&hellip
What is LSCM?
LSCM stands for Least Squares Conformal Map and it refers to 2D or 2-dimensional type of map or representation of a 3-dimensional image or shape. In the field of computer graphics and design, the LSCM&hellip
What is crystal?
Crystals are objects or solid materials that are formed from atoms and molecules that are arranged in a very orderly fashion. This internal structure makes crystals unique from each other but the arrangement of the&hellip
What is miso paste?
Miso paste refers to a flavoring ingredient made from soybeans that had gone through the fermentation process. The fermentation of soybeans is typically started with the help of koji, a type of fungi. Salt, and&hellip