Rape or physically forcing any individual to have sex is not only a women related issue, which is a reason of uncontrollable sexual desires and lust for physical gratification. It is simply an effect of dominating character trait.
It is basically an unreasonable culture and over view of male dominance. Here are some shocking facts about rape.
Mainly rape victims are women ranging from the age 16 years to 24 years. About 16% of male students have been a part of gang rape while just 12% have committed what actual rape means.
It has been noticed that a woman is generally raped by her husband himself or ex-husband or former sexual partner. According to the FBI Uniform Crime Report, every 15 second a woman is physically abused by her partner.
Women are generally blamed for provoking any rapist by stepping out in certain physical appearances but actually people wanting to rape do not take physical appearance into consideration. They choose women who are weak and vulnerable i.e. easily accessible.
It is a myth that sexual harassment is particular to only females. Statistics on rape have revealed that both bi-sexual and straight people have suffered the consequence of getting raped. Sometimes false rape allegations are also created to simply blame someone.
Two percent of the reported rape cases have been proved to be false allegations. One out of ten actual rapes is reported while others just go untold. Mostly when the rape is done by a known victim, it is remains un-filed.
Many men are of the opinion that when they take a girl out on a date and make the payment for the entire date and at the end when the lady is ready to go to a room with him, then it cannot be considered a rape.
Student rape cases are mostly blamed on drugs and alcohol. Some have even admitted that they would love to rape someone provided they don’t get caught or blamed for it.
In a national survey it has been revealed that women from one of every four colleges have been a rape victim or someone had attempted rape. Some are even aware of their rapists but are unwilling to disclose the name.
In the period 1996 to 1997 of academic year, almost 100 students wanted justice against physical assault at Penn State University. The cases were mostly due to alcohol and about eighty percent of the students could identify their rapists.
The victimized students suffered from a devastating trauma that led them to emotional break-down consequently destroying their career and future. Some students simply left the university mid-way while others were conceiving.
Now a days, many self-defence techniques have been introduced for female safety because one can never take her security for granted. People around are always looking for a victim who is mentally weak so that they can resort to forcible compulsion. It is a moment when the victim is sub-conscious and is aware of what is going on around her but is physically or mentally inactive or incapable of protesting.
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