Ringworm is a skin disease that is caused by fungi and is also known as . It is seen in both humans and animals. It is also to be noted that no worms are involved. The disease is so called because it appears like a ring with rashes on the skin. The scab gets a ring like look when the center of the mark heals and the fungi remains in the side.
The disease can be caused by different types of fungi. Here are some little known facts about ringworm.
The fungi causing ringworms are generally found in animals, which are somehow transferred into humans. In some cases even humans are the carrier of the germ. Some of them are also seen in soil and they can get activated under ideal temperature and conditions.
Ringworm is seen in several species of animals such as cats, cattle, dogs, pigs, rabbits, goats, rodents etc. They can be seen in pet animals as well. It occurs in areas where the hair is no more or the skin surface is rough. It gets very itchy and red.
Infective pores in the environment causes ringworm. When an animal or a human comes in direct contact with these pores, the microbe activates. Sometimes they can be found in animal hair while sometimes it gets it from soil.
Ringworm affects animals with poor immune system. New-born kittens and puppies should be kept in clean areas to avoid ringworm and other fungal infections. These animals should be specially treated and kept secluded. Other animals, suffering from weak immunity diseases like kidney problem or cancer should be put away from them.
To protect themselves from ringworms, individuals should have proper hygienic habits like washing hands at regular intervals especially after touching an animal. Use of disinfectants like dilute chlorine bleach can be used in a ration of 1:10 around the places where animals live. In some cases evacuation also helps.
Ringworm is highly contagious when in direct contact. Sometimes the fungus affects the hair which in turn contaminates the environment. Electrostatic wipes should be used regularly to keep the area and environment clean. Air vents should not be neglected.
Apart from ringworm there are many other diseases that can cause hair-loss or itching. So proper diagnosis is necessary before any treatment. Mites, bacteria, fleas, even certain allergies can result in massive hair-loss.
Ringworms can affect different areas of the body like scalp, groin or feet. The ringworm that develops in scalp mainly harms children. Itching and burns in the genital regions, thighs, groin etc. with broken peels and cracks are signs of ringworms. Redness between toes is also considered the same.
Dermatophytes or fungus causing ringworms are found in swampy and damp environments. Excessive sweating and humid weather can also cause ringworm. The outbreak of ringworm is mainly seen in children, who get it from school or playgrounds.
Ringworm is hard to prevent. However, it can still be checked in the given ways. Gyms and locker-rooms should be kept clean. Wearing waterproof flip flops is advisable at public baths and swimming pools. Same clothes should not be worn for long when humidity is high.
In recent days, about 20% of the population is affected by ringworm. It is seen mostly in people associated with sports, wrestling specifically.
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