Facts About Ferrets

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Ferrets are well-loved pets that are so small and friendly.  They look similar to rodents and rats but ferrets actually belong to the family of mustelids which are also related to minks, badgers, and weasels.  They have been domesticated for thousands of years because of their friendliness and intelligence.  Here are some interesting facts about ferrets:

Fact 1:  Ferret domestication has been traced back to as early as ancient Egypt.  Back in those times, many similar looking animals were already captured in some images on the walls of Egyptian tombs.  These images of ferret-like creatures depict them as having leashes.

Fact 2:  Ferrets are known to be very friendly to humans.  Having ferrets as pets is relatively made fun and easy because of their natural and social demeanor towards human beings.

Fact 3:  Baby ferrets can fit in a teaspoon. These creatures are literally very tiny as newborns that they can fit in a very small container like bottle caps and teaspoons.

Fact 4:  Newborn ferrets have snowy white hair.  All ferrets will basically seem like albinos but some of them will change to darker colors to browns and blacks once they get a little older.  The albino specie will grow up and maintain their snowy white furs.

Fact 5:  Ferrets are known to sleep very deeply and soundly. Picking them up or transferring them from one location or another does not wake them up or disturb them from their deep rest. Some ferret owners even get the impression that their pets are sick or dead because these creatures literally do not move when they’re asleep.

Fact 6:  Ferrets know how to blow their nose. These animals have scent bags behind their ears and they perform a rubbing action from their ears to their face when they want to clean their face with the said scent.  This natural activity makes it similar to blowing their noses.

Fact 7:  Ferrets are also known to be the best players of hide and seek.  Having tiny bodies, they can simply fit in the smallest of places like small holes and tubes.  They also like to wander around dark places making it difficult to find them when they’re loose.

Fact 8:  Ferrets can be hired for actual jobs.  They are very intelligent that they can be instructed to do a lot of things like help with wiring and cabling or scare the rabbits away from one’s garden.

Fact 9:  Pet ferrets can be vulnerable to some sickness from their pet owners.  People who have infections for example may transmit the same illness to their cute little ferrets.

Fact 10: Ferrets have the need for play.  These little pets want to be always active every single day and they have the need for activity always.  Many experts suggest spending play time with these creatures or to have them in pairs at least.

 Fact 11:  Owning ferrets is banned in some parts of the US.  They may be cuddly and cute but owning them as pets is actually illegal in places like California and New York.

Fact 12:  Ferrets can inter-breed with other similar animals like minks and polecats.  Some offspring may end up sterile but interbred baby ferret-minks or ferret-polecats will survive just fine.


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