Facts About Andy Warhol

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For those in the field of art, advertising and media; the name “Andy Warhol” will ring a bell. For those who aren’t familiar with this great persona of the 1970s and 1980s; Andy Warhol was a popular person in the media and art industry and the one who has been credited with the initiation of the “pop art” movement. He was an artist, who also ventured into advertising and film-making, with varying shades of success.

Fact 1:
Andy Warhol’s first career break happened with his assignment for the Glamour magazine, for which he had to create an illustrated feature titled “Success is a Job in New York”. The feature not only changed his career but also his name. The article printed his name as “Warhol” instead of “Warhola”. Along with his new-found success, the newly created name also continued throughout his career!

Fact 2:
Andy was born on 6th August, 1928 as “Andy Warhola”. At least, that is what the records state; according to the birth certificate registered in 1945! And this piece of information has been confirmed by his two older brothers.

Fact 3:
Starting 1949, when Andy made his first break, through the 1950s; Andy enjoyed unhindered success as a commercial artist. The many commendations and awards he gained from the American Institute of Graphic Arts and the Art Director’s Club stand witness to his successful stint.

Fact 4:
Although Andy Warhol’s professional success also gave him financial liberty, he had quite humble beginnings. His father was a construction worker and laborer, while his mother supported their family earnings by selling hand-made craft items and cleaning houses.

Fact 5:
Andy Warhol’s was fragile as a child. It was during once such stint of recovery that his mother encouraged him to pursue his hobby of art and pop culture. Probably, this was what triggered his interest in the field of art and media, giving the world the icon we know today!

Fact 6:
‘Death’ knocked on Andy Warhol’s doors twice; but the first time around “Life” decided to give him a longer stint! In 968, Andy was shot by an ex-superstar and was declared dead on arrival. However, after a surgery that lasted over 5 hours, he recovered and continued his career in art and painting!

Fact 7:
The second time around “Death” seemed more determined. On 22 February 1987, Andy Warhol died due to complications post a gall bladder surgery. The complications were attributed to his allergic reactions to penicillin.

Fact 8:
Some of the most popular paintings of Andy Warhol were created during the 1980s and include “The Last Suppers”, “Rorschachs”, and a series called the “Ads”. Besides a few feature films that did not gain much commercial success, he also created two television shows, including one for MTV known as “Andy Warhol’s Fifteen Minutes”. His collection of art also included several self-portraits.

Fact 9:
It is believed that his mother, Julia Warhola, was a great influence on Andy. In fact, she lived with him for close to two decades, starting 1951, and made several contributions to his works of art; including signing some of them! He is also known to have created art by collaborating with other younger artists such as Francesco Clemente, Jean-Michel Basquiat, and Keith Haring.

Fact 10:
Andy Warhol has a collection of over 600 boxes of ephemera, which he collected over a period of two decades starting in the 1950s. Considered as time capsules, these boxes were part of his desk and were taped and labeled when they got full! He also had a collection of Dom Perignon, around 2000 bottles to be precise! It was part of his millennium celebration plans with friends. However, destiny had different plans!

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