What is MySpace?

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MySpace is an online social networking site that is most popular with teenagers nowadays. The site was created in late 2003 and gained popularity in 2005. The company is headquartered in Beverly Hills, CA and is a subsidiary of Specific Media.

It was known for its feature where you can customize your own profile, upload photos and videos, write blog posts, add music and make friends or reconnect with old ones. Though MySpace is more popular for personal uses, some professionals use this social media network for business purposes and blog promotions.

MySpace has different tools and features to help users customize their way of using MySpace. It also offers custom layouts and graphics for personalization of profiles. Users can conveniently use its messaging feature as well as joining groups existing inside the MySpace community.

Aspiring bloggers use MySpace for blog promotion thru messaging their friends, posting blog post or video, notify the groups they belong to and posting to forums or bulletins. MySpace community poses a challenge on how to determine or find the right people who will be interested and will be willing to read a blog.

The most recent update has unveiled the new Myspace which focuses now solely on the music industry. Instead of a wall where you can post, MySpace uses a stream where you can post and read updates from your friends. The majority of what is posted on the stream is the selection of songs that you’re friends have listened to from the album that is pictured. A side-scroll feature is also available to see what other friends posted, whether it is pictures, videos or mixes they’ve compiled.

The new MySpace provides a highly personalized experience on music which are now available through online, mobile phones and offline events. It is also the home of MySpace Music which provides a huge and growing music library. It gives its users the needed tools to reach new audiences especially unsigned artists.

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