Twins as we all know are born due to the fertilisation of multiple eggs or the division of a single fertilised egg into two. While the former results in fraternal twins, the latter causes identical twins. Non-identical or fraternal twins may differ in sexes while identical twins are always of the same sex. Twins are born to women if they have been born before in the same family, or if pregnancy occurs post 30 years of age or if one undergoes fertility treatments like IVF.
Some of the interesting facts about twins have been listed here:
While identical twins share the same DNA, they do not have the same fingerprints. Apart from this, identical twins can also be told apart by their belly buttons. Since these are scars left behind by the placental cord, they look different.
Women who are prone to hyper-ovulation, meaning the production of more than one egg per menstrual cycle have increased chances of bearing twins. Taller women are also said to have greater chances of producing twins.
In extremely rare cases, fraternal twins can be conceived by two different fathers. This occurs if a woman ovulating produces two eggs and has multiple sexual partners or gets pregnant through IVF which is fertilised by two different sperms. Although rare in humans, such phenomena are said to be common in dogs and cats. It is known as Heteropaternal Superfecundation.
It is said that twins start bonding right from their foetal stages of development in the womb. Even after they are born, the babbling between twins known as cryptophasia and is considered to be the twins’ way of communicating with one another.
Superfetation is an extremely rare condition which causes the uterus to ovulate during the formation of a foetus. If the egg is fertilised, a second embryo may be formed. In most of these cases, the second fertilised foetus is born prematurely along with the previously fertilised foetus which is born to term. In such a case, the babies cannot be called twins.
Certain surveys have revealed that the frequency of twin births has increased by 76% since 1980s.
Rapid weight gain during the first trimester, intense nausea, etc. could be some of the symptoms of carrying twin foetuses. An ultrasound which can be performed about 8-10 weeks after pregnancy can determine if a woman is carrying twins.
Twin babies or more than two babies can increase the chances of premature birth, low birth weight, pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes etc. and mostly require a caesarean section. Close monitoring and extra care and protection can ensure a healthy delivery and good health for both mother and child post birth.
Folic acid is an important nutritional element that must be incorporated in the diet of pregnant women, especially those carrying twins to reduce the risk of any birth defects or result of Siamese twins.
Celebrities like Scarlett Johansson, Ashton Kutcher, and Gisele Bundchen etc. have fraternal twins.
Nowadays, with increasing frequency of twin pregnancies, one has plenty of scope to ensure that they have a healthy pregnancy term. There are a lot of information and health care guides available for women carrying twins so there is no need to feel overwhelmed with fear or any insecurity.
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