The word Aquarius is of Latin origin which means ‘œWater Beared.’ Astronomically it is a constellation as well as Zodiac sign which lies between Pisces and Capricornus, in the southern sky. It is 10 degree declined to the south.
According to the Greek mythology, Aquarius represents a young shepherd, stolen by Zeus. His original name was Ganymede. Here are some more interesting and lesser known facts about the Aquarius.
Aquarius is one of the twelve zodiac signs. It is also referred to a constellation or a pattern of stars that the sun travels every year. The perfect and proper view of the Aquarius is obtained from the southern sky.
A major part of the Northern Hemisphere can see this constellation throughout the summer. The Aquarius was one of the foremost constellations discovered. It is distinctly visible from both the northern and the southern hemispheres from the time between September and January.
Ganymede was lifted up from the fields where he was taking care of his sheep. This was done by the trained eagle of Zeus, Aquila. He was famous as the cup-bearer or water bearer of the Olympian Gods. Sometimes, it is said that Crater, another constellation, is the cup of Ganymede.
It is believed by the Sumerians that flood and other water related natural calamities are done by Aquarius. The stars that altogether form the constellation Aquarius is also named similar to good hope or good luck. It is more evident because at a time in the year, the sun rose in Aquarius. In the same time, the Middle East experienced advent of monsoon.
The constellation is quite imaginative and would not just match the figure of a boy so simply. The head lies to the right while the arm can be felt while approaching left. Further down the left is the lower portion of the body with bent legs. Some assume this to be the position of the boy when the eagle, Aquila was carrying him.
When seen through a telescope, three globe-like structures can be seen in the Aquarius. The Saturn Nebula, a planetary Nebula also falls under this Aquarius. Through a telescope, this Nebula resembles the Saturn hence it is named so.
The most nearest nebula is the Helix Nebula. It can be spotted directly down the west side of the foot of the Aquarius. Aquarius would not be this famous unless it was one of the twelve zodiac signs.
The most popular stars in the Aquarius constellation are Sadalsuud or Beta Aquarius, Skat or Delta Aquarius, Sadalachbia or Gamma Aquarius, Albali or Epsilon Aquarius, Situla or Kappa Aquarius and Ancha or the Theta Aquarius.
Sadalmelik is the brightest of all the stars present in it. In Arabic it means ‘œa star lucky to the king.’ It cannot be properly identified in the night sky as there are very few bright stars in it and the figure is not distinctly made.
Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the twelve zodiac signs and rules from the period between 20th January and 18th February. The people born within this time period have specific character traits. Men and women both have distinct and separate yet interesting characteristics.
The name Aquarius is actually derived from the position of the Sun. when it enters the Aquarius; a major part of the world receives rainfall. Hence the name is related to water.
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