Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH) is a synthetic growth hormone used on cows. When administered on these animals, the rBGH has a similar function to that of Bovine Somatotrophin or BST which is responsible for growth in the cows. Produced by the Pituitary Gland, BST induces another hormone known as IGF-1 which is responsible for the increasing production of milk in cows. What rBGH is engineered to achieve, is to produce increased quantity of milk in these animals. Many of the renowned drug companies in the world manufacture and market rBGH in multiple countries, Monsanto and Upjohn being the leaders in this regard.
The extensive use of the artificial hormone amongst the farmers in many parts of the world proved its efficiency with regard to increased milk production in cows. But it also gave birth to scientific concerns over the negative physical effects it could have on both the human and the bovine species. Some sources claimed that drinking milk of the cows on which the synthetic hormone has been administered, enhances the risk of cancer in human beings, especially as it contains IGF-1. Amid speculations, the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) of the USA made a detailed and thorough study of the synthetic hormone in 1993 and declared it to be absolutely safe for human beings.
The World Health Organization also gave its approval. While USA remains the biggest consumer of the rBGH, some countries like Canada, Australia and Japan are still sceptical of it. In this light, some of the lesser known facts about the rBGH are presented here:
Hormones which can induce cancer in humans are mostly steroid hormones. RBGH, on the other hand, is a protein hormone and thus does not entail the risk of cancer.
All milk contains levels of hormones like IGF-1, irrespective of the fact whether the cow was given rBGH or not. Studies have proved that the level of IGF-1 in cows administered with rBGH is only marginally higher than that of cows not injected with the drug.
The most important point is that studies conducted by FDA claimed that synthetic rBGH has no effect on the human body as it is engineered for the bovine species. So rBGH does not affect the growth hormones in human beings, thus having no ill-effects.
IGF-1, however, is not digested in human beings. What happens to the drug after being consumed by humans is still not clear and is subject to further studies.
Contrary to the myth surrounding rBGH, this hormonal compound does not contain anti-biotic elements.
One of the biggest concerns with the consumption of milk enhanced by rBGH is the fact that it induces breast cancer. But studies have found this to be a false apprehension.
rBGH does not induce abnormal growth in adolescent children
Milk from the cows that have been given rBGH is not at all different from any natural milk.
Contrary to conventional belief, the use of rBGH is not adverse to the environment and the ecology. Unlike the DDT and other pesticides, these are not harmful chemicals.
rBGH can, however, have adverse effects on the cows. Although it is not widely accepted yet, some scientists consider rBGH as an enhancer of mastitis in the bovine species.
Although the effect of rBGH in cows is disputed, the effect on humans is not contested as the studies are still inconclusive in this regard. Preliminary studies do not suggest that rBGH has any ill-effects on human beings, but further research is necessary on this matter.
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