Facts About Pussy Riot

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Fact 1: The three members of the Russian feminist Pussy Riot band were convicted of hooliganism associated with religious hatred. The three members found guilty were: Maria Alyokhina, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, and Yekaterina Samutsevich.

Fact 2: The Russian judge has given the verdict regarding this case on August 17th, 2012 against the members of the feminist punk band.

Fact 3: The Pussy Riot band members were found guilty of protesting against the Kremlin in the church.

Fact 4: The band members were seen to be holding punk prayers for Russia to get freedom from Putin. They were wearing bright ski masks, short skirts, and tights while performing protests at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow.

Fact 5: The prosecutors have demanded a two-year imprisonment sentence for the accused members of the Pussy Riot band.

Fact 6: Many pop stars along with Madonna wanted these three women to be released, and the stars canvassed with their performances with the painted name ‘œPUSSY RIOT’ on their backs.

Fact 7: A letter was written by one of the members, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, in the prison. She mentioned in it that their arrest was an indication of the disappearance of freedom in the entire country. This letter was posted on the Internet for public accessibility by Mark Feigin, who is the defense Lawyer.

Fact 8: After the judge, Marina Syrova, delivered the verdict, bodyguards were assigned to her as there was lot of tension due to the imprisonment verdict.

Fact 9: The Orthodox Christians were divided by this trial into two groups. One group supported the authorities by demanding serious punishment to the accused women. Another group was keen on granting moderation to them.

Fact 10: Yekaterina, Nadezhda, and Maria made it clear that they protested to highlight the close association between the State and the Russian Orthodox Church and not to criticize or insult the followers.

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