Professional, smart, attractive, gifted and of course well-connected and renowned, first African-American First Lady of the United States, she is none other than Michelle Obama. She is as popular throughout the world as her better half, President Obama. She doesn’t owe her success and popularity solely to her spouse; she is talented and resourceful at her own.
Listed below are some interesting and facts about Michelle Obama:
1. Beauty With Brains:
Michelle has an exceptional academic record and her intellect is reflected in how well she did at different stages throughout her academic career. For starters, she skipped second grade and in her sixth grade, she enrolled herself into a gifted program. She graduated from top class universities; Princeton and Harvard Law. What sets Michelle apart from other first ladies is her graduate degree, as only two other first ladies had the prestige of attending a graduate school. Hillary Clinton has a J.D while Laura Bush has a Masters degree.
2. How She Met Her Future Husband:
Interestingly, Michelle was Barack’s superior the first time they met. Their first encounter occurred at Sidley and Austin which is a corporate law firm, located in Chicago. Michelle was 25 at that time and was working as an associate. Back in that summer, she was assigned the task of mentoring a 27 years old associate, who, as it turns out, was her future husband. Interestingly, Michelle was the boss of Barack during their first encounter. When Barack first asked her out, she refused but gradually caved in to Barack’s constant efforts.
3.Michelle’s Career:
In 1993, she founded Public Allies Chicago after quitting her job at Sidley and Austin. It was an AmeriCorps national service program founded with the aim to train young people who were developing a career in the public sector.
4. Michelle’s Unique Job Interview:
Michelle took her then 4 months old daughter Sasha (now 12) to a job interview at Chicago Medical Center. It was an extreme measure she took because she couldn’t find a babysitter. Thankfully, Sasha slept through the entire interview and Michelle got the job.
5. An Excellent Advisor to Barack:
At the Democratic National Convention, back in 2004, her final advice to her husband, who was about to march up the stage and deliver a speech was: “Don’t screw this up, buddy!”
6. Community Service:
She was a staunch supporter of the “Let’s Move” initiative, which involved fighting against childhood obesity.
7. She is the Brains Behind Her Speeches:
Unlike almost every other celebrity, Michelle writes her own speeches. Like the ones she delivered on her husband’s campaign trail. Maybe that’s why her speeches are so good and influential because they come straight from her heart.
8.One of the tallest first ladies
With her impressive built and height, she could have easily bagged the position for the tallest First Lady, had it not been for Eleanor Roosevelt who is just as tall as Michelle that is 5’11”, so now they are in a tie.
9. Declared as the Hottest First Lady
Michelle Obama brought a new honor to White House by being ranked on no. 93 on Maxim’s “Hot 100” list. She is the first First Lady to have been featured on the list and she even beat Padma Lakshmi and the gorgeous Olivia Munn. Unlike most other women which have been featured on the list, Michelle wasn’t naked; instead she appeared in her signature sleeveless dress.
10. Michelle – The Hugger:
She believes that physical touch breaks the barriers between strangers, which is why she is often hugging people, specially kids.
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