The books ‘œGreen Eggs and Ham’, ‘œThe Cat in the Hat’, and ‘œThe Grinch Who Stole Christmas’ written by Dr. Suess are timeless. The originality of the text and illustrations makes Dr. Suess beloved by children and adults alike. But was he really a doctor? And where did he get his ideas? Find out with these interesting facts about the beloved author.
Fact 1: He was born in Springfield, Massachusettes on March 2, 1904.
Fact 2: His real name was Theodore Suess Geisel.
Fact 3: He wasn’t a doctor. He did pursue a Ph.d in English but never finished it. He received honorary degrees throughout his life.
Fact 4: His first book ‘œAnd to Think That I Saw it on Mulberry Street’ was rejected twenty seven times before it was finally published in 1937.
Fact 5: All together he wrote and illustrated forty-four children’s book.
Fact 6: He didn’t care much for children. In fact, he is reported as once saying, ‘œYou have ‘˜em. I’ll amuse ‘˜em’.
Fact 7: He had no children of his own but invented one called Chrysantemum-Pearl.
Fact 8: Dr. Suess based ‘œThe Grinch’ on himself. He said he lost the magic of Christmas and needed to get it back.
Fact 9: ‘œYertle the Turtle’ was about Hitler and it contained the first burp in a children’s book.
Fact 10: During the Great Depression, Dr. Suess started drawing advertising cartoons. During his career he drew for companies such as NBC, General Electric, Standard Oil, and Narragansette Brewing Company.
Fact 11: In 1950, he coined the word ‘œnerd’ in his book ‘œIf I ran the Zoo’.
Fact 12: During WWI, he created propaganda films for the army.
Fact 13: He died on September 24, 1991 in La Jolla, California.
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