Carbon family belongs to group 14 in periodic table. The 5 members of the family are namely- Carbon (C), Silicon (Si), Germanium (Ge), Tin (Sn) and Lead (Pb). Carbon is the basic element for life and is needed in every aspect and critical sphere of life.
Carbon is essentially present in all living bodies and performs in maximum hydrogen reactions. Here are some amazing facts about Carbon that are rarely known.
In its outermost energy shell, the Carbon atom has got four electrons and like silicon it can also form a co-valent electronic bond with non-metals. Every element of the carbon family is capable of forming four bonds which is the maximum for any family in the periodic table.
Carbon exists in nature in the form of mainly two of its compounds- Carbon dioxide and Carbon Mono-oxide. It covers almost 90% of the total universal elemental space, while other elements cover the remaining 10%.
Both carbon dioxide and carbon mono-oxide are poisonous and harmful gases that are mainly responsible for the green house effect. Every living being from human beings to bacteria exhales carbon dioxide into the environment.
When a huge quantity of dead matter undergoes the process of decomposition, then the surrounding experiences an increase in carbon dioxide level. This is a natural occurrence which is responsible for water pollution.
When an organism is dead, at first it sinks down to the lower levels where decomposition starts. When this happens in a water body, the carbon dioxide level is not uniform everywhere. It is highly found at the base where decomposition takes place.
Carbon monoxide is an odourless and colourless gas that displaces oxygen in human blood when breathed in. The essential organs like brain and heart do not get the oxygen supply and can compel a patient to suffocate and become unconscious. It mainly affects the one who are more susceptible.
The initial symptoms of presence of CO in living body include chest tightening, immense headache, dizziness and drowsiness or fatigue and nausea. The patients may show excess chest pain along with angina. When exposed to CO for a long time, the living organism may vomit and collapse finally becoming unconscious and weaken muscles.
The OSHA PEL counts to 50 ppm (parts per million). It stops exposure to CO gas more than 50 parts per million of atmosphere in an average 8 hour of a day. It is same in case of maritime operation as well.
CO is mainly and industrial gas that comes from incomplete combustion of natural gas and any carbon containing material like kerosene, gasoline, propane, oil, wood or coal. Blast furnaces, forges and coke ovens also give out CO along with internal burning engine.
Proper CO monitors with audible warning bells should be installed in boiler rooms, warehouses, petrol refineries, steel industries and pulp and paper production factories to alarm the employees. A self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) for the entire face is helpful too.
Emission of green-house in excess amount is quite normal as an industrial hazard. Hence their impact on the environment is highly effective as certain gases are more harmful and potent than others with maximum GWP or Global Warming Potential.
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