In the twentieth century, there were several reports recorded on the huge bi-pedal apes that were locally known as Bigfoot, Sasquatch or even Yeti in some places. They are said to have originated from the Montana forests of Canada, Western United States.
Several big foot-prints have been found in many regions of the world. They have been carefully preserved in plaster and photographed, as well. Here are some mysterious facts about the Bigfoot.
The term actually originated from the word ‘œSesquac’ which is referred to ‘œwild humans.’ The actual word is derived from a Halkomelem dialect, which is read as ‘œSto: lo’ and commonly used by Salish Indians of Fraser Valley in the coastal region and in certain fringes of Van Couver of British Columbia.
The term ‘œBigfoot’ was coined by certain journalists in the middle of the twentieth century when they were frequently reported in the Northern regions of California. Since then the word is widely used.
The North American tribes have almost sixty various terms for Sasquatch. Pioneers have used numerous terms to describe them. Later on, even the non-tribal groups of North America started to refer them as ‘œskookums’ and ‘œmountain devils.’
It is quite difficult to estimate their population because the methods and formulas are quite complicated and are full of errors. Trained biologists can only go for sub-sample counts for such rare animal species like Yeti and Wolverines. The process has to be speculative than being scientific.
Bigfoots are mainly spotted in marshy and swampy regions, thick woods and mountains. They are hardly seen from trees as they mainly tend to appear in the dead of the night. Even if they see a human in daylight, they go back instead of attacking.
The Yeti or Bigfoot never appears in groups like gorillas or chimpanzees. They keep on migrating and do not feel like settling to one place. They are never reported to harm the environment.
The only impact they have on the nature is that they break twigs and branches to make patterns and mark trails. They are never known for destroying forests by uprooting trees. Still biologists term this hypothetic as huge forest apes can never be responsible for such trivial destructions.
The first footprint to be examined was at Umatilla National Forest, Washington in 1996. The foot-print was of size 35 cm long and 13 cm wide. Each step was 1.0 to 1.3 metre apart from the other. There were faint trails of dermatogylphics which were washed away in heavy rain.
In theory, the Bigfoot-Giganto, it was alleged that they were descendants of huge Asian ‘œwood ape’ rather than a line of the genus Gigantopithecus. In present days, their fossils are also not found. This makes the theory more strong that they are from the Gigantos family.
The Giganto had small families of three to four members who generally wandered through remote areas, but sometimes managed to come near human settlements. In recent days, they have extremely powered defence traits like night vision and powerful voice that helps them communicate even when miles away.
The Bigfoot seems to have taken up the bi-pedal movement with gigantic, flexible and flat foot. The digits resemble pea-in-pods. The dynamic signs of their adaptation pattern are only estimated from their foot-prints, examined for years.
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