What is LSH hysterectomy?

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LSH stands for laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy, a type of procedure that involves removal of the uterus and preservation of the cervix. This procedure is preferred and/or prescribed by some OB-gynecologsists for their women patients as opposed to the more radical approach of removing the cervix along with the entirety of the uterus for medical reasons. The surgery is done laparoscopically, meaning it is less invasive and lighted cameras and telescope will be inserted to the body to aid in surgery.

Leaving some parts of the uterus and the entire cervix is done by many obstetric surgeons to help stabilize the pelvic floor. The cervix is a very important part of the female’s reproductive canal as it binds the vagina to the uterus. With the cervix intact, muscles that attach themselves to the pelvic floor may be supported. There are also concerns regarding the sexual function and emotional well-being of women and this is also what prompts doctors to leave the cervix intact in hysterectomy procedures. In cases wherein removal of the uterus is the only option to save patients from fatal tumors or cancers in the pelvic and vaginal region, many doctors choose to have the cervix remain intact in order to preserve sexual function and eventually help women cope better emotionally. Getting a procedures such as LSH means that the woman patient involved cannot expect to be pregnant anymore and so some doctors suggest to have this procedure in order to help these women preserve their sexual function.

Women who underwent laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy need to be monitored regularly even after the procedure is done and after the wounds have healed. Some may even have some complications such as pain in the vaginal area when there are adhesions that resulted from the procedure. Constant and regular checkups are also necessary to monitor the health and condition of the surrounding structures of the cervix and the uterus such as the vaginal wall, the urinary bladder, and the rectum among many other parts.

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