Copay is a fixed amount that an individual pays when he or she avails of a medical service or when he receives medication. Health insurance companies make sure that they have established these amounts and as such they are found in the terms of the health insurance.
The copay is used by health insurance providers to share with the expenses of the incurred medical cost. Aside from its function of sharing the expenses with the medical insurance, copay is an instrument used by health care insurance companies to prevent clients from getting medical treatments for every trivial health condition they come across.
Copay explained
Insurance companies ask for copayment of copay since this saves them a big amount of cash. Copay has been effective in keeping some individuals from running to a health care provider for the simplest medical condition.
Copay however has its disadvantages since patients also tend to stay away from doctors even when they need medical attention because they are required to pay.
For example, a patient who is suffering from a medical health condition may have to see three kinds of doctors in one month. Let us say, each visit to one doctor requires $25 and then the patient will have to spend a total of $75 for the copay for the visits to the three doctors.
If the patient cannot afford to shell out $75 dollars for that month, and then the patient will likely just skip the visits to the doctors.
Copay can be very expensive for those who are suffering from a number of serious medical conditions. Some patients may just opt to choose which doctors or medications to take rather than getting themselves treated for all the medical conditions that they have. And as such, these patients may not experience relief from all their symptoms.