What is Zyprexa?

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Zyprexa is a brand of drug that contains the active ingredient olanzapine.  This drug is highly potent and classified as an atypical anti-psychotic drug which is frequently prescribed for people with psychosis or schizophrenia and manic-depressive disorder. The main action of Zyprexa is in the blocking of specific neurotransmitters in the brain to help people with psychotic and bipolar disorder.  In rare occasions, olanzapine or Zyprexa and similar drugs may be prescribed in controlled doses to people with major forms of depression and autism.  People with dementia-related problems are not advised to be prescribed with Zyprexa and related drugs.  This is especially applicable to the elderly who may experience dementia-related symptoms along with other mental disorders like anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Dosage of Zyprexa depends on the condition and the age of the patient involved.  The drug is available in tablet form, powder form, injection, and suspension for injection.  The latter two preparations are intended for immediate and extended release.  Dosage may also be increased as the treatment progresses with the total drug therapy lasting for several weeks.  It is also common for doctors to prescribe Zyprexa along with other similar anti-psychotic drugs.

The most common side effect of taking Zyprexa is weight gain.  People under long-term treatment of Zyprexa may also develop problems with blood lipid and sugar regulation. There are also rare cases wherein some patients will develop rigidity in their muscles.  There are also reports that tremors may also be felt as an extra-pyramidal effect of Zyprexa or olanzapine.  Other Parkinsonism-related symptoms may also be experienced by some patients.  Being a potent sedative, there are also patients who develop somnolence or dose-dependence on the drug.  Along with the weight gain, patients also may suffer increased cholesterol and blood glucose levels.  Rare side effects may include insomnia, dizziness, fatigue, constipation, movement and coordination problems, and indigestion among many others.

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