WBFF is an urban or slang term that literally translates to “Work BFF or Work Best Friends Forever”. The original BFF term pertains to people’s best buddies or closest friends. Â Some people consider their childhood friends as “BFFs” while others tag their siblings or cousins as their BFFs or best friends forever. Â From BFF, this urban term also evolved to apply to office mates and colleagues in the world of jobs and employment. Â With the same idea, WBFF refers to the closest friends in the work setup or environment.
Most people use the term WBFF to refer to their actual closest friends and buddies at work. Â For many of these people, their WBFF may be a colleague in the same unit or department, a subordinate, or even a boss. Â Any colleague at work can basically be somebody’s best friend or WBFF and this particular term is especially used when posting comments and pictures online in social networking sites. Â Colleagues enjoying lunch at work may have their picture taken and post in on their respective social networking accounts like Facebook and Twitter and label this particular picture with the term “WBFF”. Â Through this urban term, people can basically tell the online world about their respective best friends at work.
The term WBFF is also thought of in a different way by some people. Â For these people, being labelled as a WBFF or “work best friend/s forever” may not necessarily be a good thing. Â In this sense, being a WBFF may simply or literally man a best friend only at work and not in other circumstances. Â If a supposed WBFF for example leaves for another job or transfers to another city for example, the so-called friendship may actually be gone after all. Â In reality, there are actually cases wherein some people get along real well at work but not necessarily become true friends outside the work environment. Â In this particular case, the term WBFF takes on a quite different meaning.
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