It can be very confusing finding the right type of web hosting that meets exactly what you need. But maybe VPS hosting is the right one for you.
VPS or Virtual Private Server is a type of web hosting that runs on its own OS or Operating System. It is similar to dedicated physical servers but is just a virtual machine and are most commonly sold as a service by web hosting services. The websites that are hosted on the VPS are independent, just like the website being hosted is on its own separate machine. It is a dedicated server to the user but is actually installed on a physical server shared by many website owners.
VPS Hosting has allotted resources that are not shared to other users; this is what makes it private. The virtual private server is much more easily created and configured since it is a software defined machine. Among different web hosting options, they are much cheaper since the server does not have to be physical. Performance of the hosting server through VPS may be slight lower than other options. But if it is not a big issue, then VPS is your best bet in saving money.
A lot of web hosting companies are now offering virtual private server hosting. The customer also has the option to have his website be self-managed, or the company offering the service can maintain the website for them. Another service being commonly offered is the unmetered hosting where there is no bandwidth limit or amount of data being transferred on a bandwidth line in your VPS. Although this may be the case, unlimited hosting is commonly advertised by companies but is still limited to fair usage policies. A great example of a Virtual Private Server is a Cloud Server. It is dynamic and the server could be transferred to other physical servers while it is running.