Qualitative research is a type of research that basically tries to determine the inner parts of human behavior and attitude. Through qualitative research, people will be able to answer why and how questions regarding the activities of human beings. While other types of research aims to answer what or where type of questions, qualitative research will focus on details that concern with actual experience or practice rather than the outcome only. With the way qualitative research is done, many people also refer to it as field work or field research.
People that do qualitative research typically get their data on human behavior through a variety of techniques like observation. This technique can be done with lots of field work or immersion in a particular area or community. In this way, researchers will be able to know their subjects in terms of how they actually behave and live in their natural setting. Observation of behaviours may be done inside a classroom for student subjects or inside and office building for example when the research involves working adults. Aside from observation, interviews and actual conversations with some subjects are also effective in gathering qualitative data. These conversations are typically done one-on-one to get a more in-depth approach to the research. Some researchers also do immersion or participation wherein they join and experience the life of their own subjects for a better understanding of their moods and choices. It is common for researchers to live in the same house or community of their subjects just to get a literally closer look at the way they live their lives.
Qualitative or field research is considered an effective way of gathering data for a variety of subjects especially social sciences. The same methods may be employed though in terms of market research for consumer spending behavior among many other related concerns. Qualitative research also focuses on particular cases or questions and only involves smaller samples for a more in-depth analysis and result.
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