Norco is a drug that is typically prescribed for moderate to severe pain. Its main active ingredients are hydrocodone and acetaminophen. Both substances work together to provide analgesia to patients. Hydrocodone is classified as a narcotic drug and is part of the opioid family of drugs and this simply means that it is a very potent pain reliever. Acetaminophen meanwhile is a lower-level pain reliever but when it is effective in promoting or enhancing hydrocodone’s analgesic effect.
Doctors will prescribe Norco for patients who complain of severe pain. Many will take precaution though because the hydrocodone content of Norco has a high dependency effect. This is due to the fact that it is a potent narcotic drug and patients taking this drug for a long period of time may easily get hooked with its analgesic effect. Dosage of Norco will depend upon the severity of the pain felt by patients. Norco is available in two tablet variants. The less potent orange tablet contains 7.5mg of hydrocodone and 325mg of acetaminophen. The yellow tablet meanwhile has the same amount of acetaminophen but has 10mg of hydrocodone.
Patients that are prescribed with Norco are advised to strictly follow dosage and instructions given by their doctors. This is partly because of the drug’s high potency and the increased chances of dependency for patients. With this side effect, Norco is one of many drugs that is used and abused for recreational purposes. Misuse of Norco can possibly lead to addiction and other severe side effects. One such side effect is liver damage which can be due to too much acetaminophen in the system. In extreme cases, the liver damage may even lead to death. There are also rare instances when some patients get allergic reactions or skin irritations with Norco consumption. When any side effect is felt, patients are advised to seek immediate medical attention.
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