Meniere’s disease is a disorder affecting the ear. It causes weird sensation of spinning motion, also known as vertigo, which may develop further in the loss of hearing sense. Sometimes, it is accompanied with a constant ringing in the ear and the feeling of having pressure inside the eardrums. This type of disease commonly occurs in people in the late 40s and early 50s. However, it may also occur on children depending on many factors like food, diet, and heredity. Meniere’s disease is rare. Out of 1000 people, only 1 suffers from this condition.
Meniere’s disease usually results from the dysfunction in the inner ear, particularly in the endolymphatic sac or the semi-circular canal. It is medically known as the labyrinth, a very small channel in the inner ear that contains fluid and transmits sound signals to the brain. Nobody can tell when a person can develop Meniere’s disease. At most times, a person may only notice it as its symptoms progresses. A doctor’s proper diagnosis is very essential to tell whether or not a person is suffering from Meniere’s disease. Some of the common symptoms associated with this condition include dizziness, vomiting, nausea, and sweating. Irregular heartbeats may be brought about by a combination of other factors like anxiety, lack of sleep, and stress. The episodes of vertigo or spinning motion can last for several minutes and can be reoccurring. At the very late stage, the vertigo becomes less frequent. There is also a high tendency that it may not come back. However, the tinnitus can get worse such that a person may feel that his ear is totally blocked or full of pressure.
Meniere’s disease is chronic but a lot of medications have been introduced to somehow alleviate its symptoms and minimize its long-term impact.