Leeks are vegetables that belong to the Allium vegetable family. Leeks are very healthy vegetables and are related to garlic and onions.
Leeks have significant amounts of flavonoid kaempferol that are reported to help protect the body’s blood vessel linings from damage.
Health Benefits
Leeks contain a significant concentration of folate which is present in leeks in bioactive for. Leeks are considered as cardio protective food from top to bottom since the plant contains folate in all its parts. Folate is a B complex vitamin that helps support the cardiovascular system as it aids in keeping the level of homocysteine in its proper level or balance. Individuals with high levels of homocysteine face higher risks for cardiovascular illnesses.
Leeks also contain a high concentration of polyphenol, an oxidant that helps in protecting the blood vessels, as well as the blood cells from oxidative damage. On the average, leeks contain around 33 milligrams of gallic acid equivalents in every 100 grams.
The scientific name of leeks is allium porrum. Leeks is characterized by their long white stalk with its superimposed layers with flat leaves tightly wrapped on the stalk and a very small bulb. They look like big scallions.
The cultivated leeks grow about 12 inches in length, and its diameter is around two inches. It has a very fragrant flavor comparable to shallots, but leeks are more subtle and sweeter compared to shallots.
Leeks have a sweeter flavor than onions, and they can be added to different dishes without overpowering the taste of the other ingredients. The leaks are available all year round.
Leeks were very popular even centuries ago especially among Greeks and Romans because of its health benefits for the throat as leeks are said to help in making the voice grow stronger as well as clearer.