The term “Kaizen†was introduced by Japanese which was meant for the process of continuous improvement in some entity or unit. It is basically an approach in which processes are continuously improved in order to increase their effectiveness and efficiency. Along with efficiency and effectiveness, Kaizen also helps to improve the quality of the process so that a better output can be obtained by using small amount of input.
The term “Kaizen†or “continuous improvement†can be used for the improvement of almost all the processes, but mostly it is used to improve the manufacturing and lean programming processes. If a company takes an initiative to apply Kaizen to its processes, then it becomes the duty of every worker and employee of the company to actually take it seriously and improvise it in their work. Dr.Demming is known to be the founder of Kaizen, who introduced it in Japan. He was invited by the industrialists of Japan to rehabilitate, redesign and improve the industrial sector of Japan after the destruction of World War 1. The basic concept behind Kaizen is that little changes should be made on regular basis so that the improvement in the processes can be made continuously. Big companies that incorporate continuous improvement in their processes also give training to their employees so that they can work more efficiently and with proper up to date knowledge of improving the process. A typical improvement processing starts with setting some goals and reviewing the current state of the process. After the review, an improved process with certain changes is proposed. Once an improvement plan is proposed, the process is then re designed according to the new proposed improvements. These steps are scientifically applied as PDCA i.e. plan, do, check and act. Following these simple steps can lead a process to some viable and efficient output.