IELTS is an acronym for the International English Language Testing System, a standardized English language test that assesses an individual’s reading, writing, and verbal skills.
The IELTS is an English language exam that allows non-native speakers to demonstrate their proficiency in the language. Available in approximately 130 countries the world over, the IELTS is used in numerous settings, including immigration, academia, and employment. Universities and employers in the west routinely require applicants to take the IELTS before they can be considered for acceptance. Aspiring immigrants often have to show at least a basic understanding of English in order to receive work VISAs, residency, and citizenship, with the IELTS being the standard required test. Divided into four modules, namely reading, writing, listening, and speaking, the IELTS is available in two versions, the General Training test and the Academic Training test. The General test is used in immigration and employment situations where the individual under consideration must show a basic to mediocre level of proficiency in the language. The Academic test is far more complex than the General test and requires examinees to possess a strong vocabulary and a thorough understanding of the English language. The IELTS uses a band score system in lieu of a traditional pass/fail system, whereby scores are averaged to give individuals an overall performance rating. The band score system runs from 0 to 9, with 0 representing those who do not have even a rudimentary grasp of English and 9 referring to a person who has mastered the language. The IELTS test takes place over a period of 2 hours and 45 minutes with examinees sitting each of the first three modules consecutively. The speaking test can take place directly after the written test, but can also be administered within the week prior to or immediately after the written test. Those interested in taking the IELTS can get more information about the test, register for the exam, and purchase practice materials from their local testing center.