Forensic science refers to any discipline that serves the purpose of law to provide objective scientific proof that can be used in legal processes such as criminal trials and investigation. It is a multi-disciplinary area of study that principally draws from biology and chemistry, geology, physics, social sciences and psychology. In a criminal investigation, investigators referred to crime scene investigators or scene of crime officers collect material proof from the scene of crime, suspects or victims. Material collected is then examined by forensic scientists to offer scientific proof with an aim of assisting investigation and inform legal proceedings. Forensic scientists therefore work very closely with police officer. In some occasions, forensic scientists holding senior positions are requested to visit crime scenes and testify in court proceedings as expert witnesses who are impartial. Often, such officers usually have majored in one or several important forensic disciplines. Some forensic specializations are identification of seized drugs using gas chromatography, developing DNA profiles to identify suspects of murder using blood stains on scenes of crime, identifying microscopic paint remains using laser Raman spectroscopy.
Opportunities in Forensic Science
For most people, forensic science is a fascinating science because of the kind of problems it solves which in turn provide intrinsic rewards. A lot of emphasis is given to application of skills related to forensic examination and on communicating its findings to a lay man. It is a scientific discipline that is very rigorous and so people who graduate from this discipline have very high chances of getting employment. Persons with skills and knowledge in subject-related matters like forensic laboratory or in non-subject related matters can be employed in a broad range of areas. Forensic science application areas continue to expand. The science can now be applied to crime prevention, disruption and detection as well as identifying victims of mass disasters.