Filial piety refers to a concept or principle introduced as part of Confucianism. It involves the basic duty of respect between each member of a family. Â In filial piety, the elders are to be respected and loved because they are considered of higher rank. The younger members of the family are classified as lower rank and are expected to obey what the elders or parents say and respect them always. In return, the higher-rank members of the family are also expected to be the caregivers and protectors of the younger ones.
The concept of piety has been applied since the time of Confucianism and is still very much applicable to present-day setup. The duty of respect towards the elderly is a common teaching in almost every society. Â The concept of taking care of children and all the young ones are also part of what is normal in every family at present. Parents and grandparents for example are tasked to provide for the needs of their children in terms of food, shelter, clothing, and education for example. Â Children meanwhile are taught to be respectful to others especially those that are older than them such as their parents, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. In the same way, older children are also expected to gain respect from their younger siblings which should also show respect to them.
Filial piety is a common part of Chinese culture from the past up to the present times. The same concept of respect towards elders is also applied by different cultures and societies across the globe. The main concept of filial piety may also be applied to other things aside from the family. The same virtue of respect and obedience may also be applied to government administration and other organizations. The heads and rulers may be depicted as the elders who shall be respected and are expected to provide for the needs of the people.