Figgy pudding is a popular desert especially during Christmas time in the US and parts of Europe. The main ingredients of this type of pudding are figs but most recipes also include dried fruits like dates and grapes. Spices and alcohol are also added to the pudding mix to create a desert that is commonly made during Christmas time.
Many people must have heard of figgy pudding from others who sing Christmas carols like the classic “We Wish You A Merry Christmas”. This particular song typically ends with the phrase “Bring us some figgy pudding”. Others have wondered if there is indeed such a pudding and in fact, this type of pudding actually dates back to 15th or 16th century England. Back in ancient times, the original figgy pudding recipe was born. The original recipe included figs that are often dried and mixed to the special cake batter. Alcoholic drinks were also highlighted as one of the main ingredients to the figgy pudding which is considered more of a cake in terms of texture. The popularity of figgy pudding was said to have started in the 19th century. This cake or pudding became so popular that some people wanted it banned for its alcoholic content.
Figgy pudding is still being baked in modern times with the addition of various spices and exotic flavorings. Dried figs and other fruits are still the main ingredients along with alcohol in the form of wine or rhum. With the use of fruits in the cake batter, figgy pudding is usually likened to the Christmas fruit cake. Nutmeg and cinnamon are the most common spices to add to figgy pudding and besides dates and figs, apples are also popular additives to the fruit and cake batter mixture. Most figgy pudding recipes also use bread crumbs that are sprinkled to the fruit, flour, and alcohol mixture.