Dumping syndrome is a condition commonly experienced by patients who go through a gastric surgery. It manifests in a set of varied symptoms as a result of having sections of the stomach extracted or from other stomach surgeries. Regulating food movement is difficult after undergoing a gastric surgery. This leads to dumping of food in the small intestines pretty fast. Foods such as refined sugars and dairy foods are quickly absorbed by the body causing dumping syndrome. Signs of this condition range from sever to mild but usually disappear with time. Though dumping syndrome may seem alarming initially, it is a non-fatal condition that can be controlled through minor adjustments and dietary measures which means avoiding foods that result in weight gain.
Early Signs of Dumping Syndrome
Signs of dumping syndrome manifest in two phases. The early phase often happens within one hour after taking meals and can last for an hour. Common symptoms in the early phase include feeling full, vomiting or nausea, abdominal pain, serious diarrhea, increased heartbeat, lightheadedness and sweating. These signs are mostly as a result of stretching of small intestines, blood pressure changes as small intestines release hormones into the bloodstream or influx water in small intestines. Late phase dumping syndrome signs occur one to three hours after meals. They include weakness or fatigue, shakiness, sweating, passing out, feeling hungry, lack of concentration and increased heartbeat. These signs are as a result of amounts of blood sugars rising or falling. These causes may become worse if a patient takes carbohydrates or sweets.
Managing Dumping Syndrome
To reduce the signs of dumping syndrome, avoid sugar items such as sweet drinks, cakes, candy, pastries, cookies and sweet bread. Alcohol and dairy products should also be avoided. Instead, dumping syndrome patients should take fiber supplements, sugar replacements, complex carbohydrates like whole meal bread and vegetables and drink four cups of water through the day to prevent dehydration.