What is detox?

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Detox is the short name of detoxification which is the process of getting rid of unwanted toxins in the body. Detox is a main function of a human’s body as it continuously works to transform and neutralize the materials in the body and get rid of unwanted materials along the way.

Detox works by limiting the amount of toxins humans put in their bodies. Detox also work by supporting the detoxification of the body by helping the elimination systems within the body by taking in more nutrients needed for the body to function.

Ways to detox

There are different ways to help detox the body.

Cutting sugar intake

A person can detoxify by cutting back on his or her consumption of sugar and by drinking more water. Eating more sugar increases the need for the body for more insulin which strains the pancreas. Excessive sugar intake can cause chronic fatigue, diabetic, cancer and obesity.

Drink water with Lemon

Medical experts recommend that individuals start their day by drinking water with half a lemon. Lemon helps with digestion and re-hydrates the system. Drinking lemon with water can help flush out toxins from the body.

Engage in physical activities

The body needs regular exercise since it can help the circulation of blood and lymph system. Regular exercise also helps promote digestion, lubricate joints, strengthen the body and reduce tension. Individuals who engage in physical exercise have fewer toxins in their bodies.

Eat organic food

Individuals are advised to eat fruits and vegetables, as well as beans,legumes and whole grains since this food are full of micronutrients. These are healthier than processed food, too.

Drink plenty of tea

Tea is full of antioxidants and can keep individuals hydrated. Plus, it makes you feel full which will reduce the possibility of overeating. Tea is healthier than coffee since the caffeine in tea is gentler than those in coffee.

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