Defamation of character is the term used to describe a false statement that was said to malign or assassinate the character of another person intentionally. Defamation of character is considered illegal, but it is however difficult to prove in the court of law.
In order to prove that a defamation of character has taken place, the individual has to prove that the statements are false without any doubt. After proving that the statements were false, and then the individual has to prove that the false statement was made to intend some form of harm.
Types of defamation of character
Two types of defamation of character exists—slander and libel.
Slander is when a person says a false statement about another individual while libel is when a person writes or publishes a false statement about another individual.
Aside from proving that the statement was false, a person who is suing for defamation of character also has to prove that the statements caused damage in the reputation.
It is widely believed by many lawyers that proving the damage to the reputation is the hardest part of a defamation case.
For one, it should be proven that the statement has caused the person harm and not a mere potential of causing the person any harm.
In order to win the case, the person who is suing must prove that the false statements made will always ruin your reputation thereby resulting in long term harm or damages.
For example, a business man who is suing another person for defamation of character has to prove that the false statements made have lingering and devastating effects on his or her business. This includes closure of business or lower sales. A person can only win a case if the statements made are already causing any problems.