AutoCAD refers to a program that is used for 3-D and 2-D drafting and design. It is designed and popularized by a company called AutoDesk Inc. AutoCAD is one of the first CAD programs to be used on personal computers. Initially, the AutoCAD program was known as Interact. This program was developed using an exclusive language and its initial release was limited to basic entities like circles, polygons, lines, text and arcs. It was used to develop more complex objects. With time, it was used to support tailor made objects using the C++ programming interface. The latest version of AutoCAD software has a set of different tools necessary for 3-D and solid modeling. AutoCAD is also used to support many other applications used to interface programs in customization and automation. It containing an original file format called DWG which is also an elementary standard that facilitates interoperability of CAD data. AutoCAD supports the Design Web Format (DWF), the format that was designed by Autodesk for purposes of publishing data in CAD format.
The History of AutoCAD
AutoCAD’s functionality was basically simple in the 1980s. It used circles, text overlays and lines to customize objects. In the early 1990’s, the software was improved to begin making use of vigorous features to customize objects developed using C++, an interface that has more advanced programming features. By 2007, AutoCAD versions were more advanced to include 3D tools that enabled the software to undertake higher level exploration and modeling with fast moving, high quality rendering. With the modern version, one can do more stud than just C++ programming. AutoCAD’s latest version has set operability standards to use interfaces that are more advanced including .NET, VBA, Visual LISP, ObjectARX based on C++ and AutoLISP. This software allows more extensibility with more particular programs such as AutoCAD Civil 3D, AutoCAD Electrical and AutoCAD Architecture.