What is an AWS certification?

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‘AWS certification’ refers to a certification for welders issued by the AWS or American Welding Society.  The best thing about an AWS certification is that it is not only recognized in the U.S. but also internationally.  When a person gets AWS-certified, for example, he/she can practice almost anywhere in the world with the assurance that his/her skills are recognized.  The AWS certification basically serves as one’s proof of skills and training in the welding field.  Aside from welding, though, the American Welding Society also issues various certifications for other similar industries and processes.  Inspectors, engineers, radiographic interpreters and fabricators are some of the professionals that may seek AWS certification.  All of these different disciplines have different qualifications and requirements to get such certification.

In the case of radiographic interpreters, one may get his/her AWS certification once he/she completes several requirements including exams and practical tests.  The exams given typically cover general knowledge in specific industries or field knowledge basics.  After passing the tests and other requirements, a radiographic interpreter will be AWS-certified. This certification will then be valid for up to three years, and thereafter re-certification is needed.  As for welders, they are also required to undergo written and practical testing to get their AWS certification which is renewable every six months.  All written and practical examinations are typically done at testing centers that are accredited by the American Welding Society.

Many people try get certified by the AWS because of its international recognition and various benefits which may include more lucrative and rewarding careers and opportunities anywhere in the world. Getting an AWS certification in one’s respective field or profession is also tantamount to having an internationally-recognized license to practice.  With this credential in hand, professional welders, fabricators, inspectors, and many others in these similar fields will not only get recognition but will also have better chances of getting good jobs, higher pay, and ultimately better lives for themselves and their families.

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