What is AMA?
The AMA (American Medical Association) is a group that holds morals and the goal of healing in high regard. The mission of the organization is to promote the art and science of medicine and the betterment of public health. In essence, they hope to cure people, enhance medical education, and have a medical code of ethics.
Nathan Smith Davis, MD, founded the AMA in 1847 at the age of 30. The first meeting was held at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, in the hall alongside the “Mammut Amercanum” exhibit. Nearly 250 delegates gathered from across 28 states attended the initial meeting. During the first meeting, the AMA adopted the Medical Code of Ethics, by which every licensed Medical Doctor in the United States must abide.
The organization has made many improvements in America’s medical field and has made health insurance more available to Americans. The group endeavors to eradicate different medical issues, such as AIDS and health delivery. As this group resolves different issues, they are coming closer and closer to reaching their goal.
As a part of their core strategy for 2010, the agency sought to improve Quality of care, Cost of health care, Payment models, access to care and prevention and wellness. The prevention and wellness components include working to both lower the usage of tobacco and the rate of underage drinking. By doing so, the AMA is lowering the risk of health issues and even death in the USA, of both the young and old.
The AMA was formed with the mission to make everything better in the medical field. Today, the organization has over 300,000 members and works to create a strong relationship between the medical community and specialty communities while promoting the organizations public health agenda.
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