English poetry has taken its origin from a very ancient time, and as the time passed, it became more and easier to understand it with the introduction of its categories and types. Sonnet is actually a poem containing fourteen lines, and each line contains ten syllables in it. Sonnets are further divided into groups depending upon the rhyming scheme used. Some of the categories include Shakespearian Sonnet, Petrarachan Sonnet and Spenserians sonnet respectively.
Let’s talk about the modern sonnet. Poets today do not exactly follow the old poetry rules, and that is, poem, rather much flexibility has been observed in the modern sonnet. Modern sonnets are short, that means they are now of less than 14 lines. But if observed closely, the original meaning of a sonnet is still the same i.e. little song. But one should keep this thing in mind that not every short poem can be called as a sonnet. Here a question arises that how one can differentiate between an old sonnet and a modern sonnet? In modern sonnets, ten or twelve lines may be used in a poem instead of 14. Some poets also consider blank verse as modern sonnet. The indication of blank verse to be a modern sonnet is that it works on the pattern of Iambic pentameter but the verse does not rhyme with each other, hence the name blank verse. Sonnets are also used to distract the reader of the poem from a monotonous tone of the iambic pentameter.