Being a public figure undoubtedly has benefits, but it also has downsides. The better-known one becomes the more protection from the outside world one seeks. This is natural as there are some truly warped people around. However, public figures can also become insane stalkers and because of their power, could be extremely dangerous. Hence, this list also includes some once upstanding individuals who role modelled insane stalking behaviours.
1. Robert Moore: Queen Elizabeth II and her American Neighbor

Robert Moore, from parts unknown in the USA had developed a crush on Queen Elizabeth II sometime in the mid ’90s. After his advances went unheeded, Moore’s letters to the Queen became somewhat X-rated. For the better part of 15 years, it became common for staff at the Palace to receive boxes with labels warning they contained toxic substances, rambling 3000 word letters, and charming sexually explicit images. Moore eventually migrated to live in England circa 2007, his residence became an Island in the lake at Saint James Park, 100 metres from Buckingham Palace. Apparently, Moore aged 69 died in his island hideaway in 2008, surrounded by a stack of empty spirit bottles. His body was not discovered until 2011.
2. Tommy Davis: Scientologist stalks the BBC

Scientology is finally losing its shine, thanks in part to noted critics like the BBC’s John Sweeney. In 2007, Sweeney investigated the cult encountering its chief spokesperson Tommy Davis. The resultant documentary ‘Scientology and Me’ depicted Davis and the religion in a poor light. Indeed, Davis insane behaviour proved without a doubt, that despite their denials senior cultists practice and encourage the stalking of critical voices. Since the documentary aired, Scientology has had several defections from its hierarchy. Davis is apparently no longer in his senior position, and he and his wife went missing in 2011.
3. Edward Jones: Queen Victoria’s Pioneering Panty Thief

At the tender age of 14, Eddie Jones broke into Buckingham palace for the first time. He would do so on at least three more occasions in the period 1838-1841. When caught for the last time, he had allegedly stuffed his pants full with the Queen’s underwear. He was secretly deported to Australia.
4. J. Edgar Hoover: An Unstable Nasty Stalking Piece of Work

During his reign as FBI head honcho, Hoover compiled an enormous amount of sleaze on celebrities of all kinds. It is a little known fact that Hoover’s family had a history of mental illness. Thus, Hoovers well documented violations of civil liberties, racism, paranoia and his callous disregard for those he harmed (many of whom were his own agents). Certainly indicated the genes of insanity ran deep in his veins.
5. Diana Napolis: Spielberg and Love Hewitt’s Satanic Coven!

Napolis hit the big time in 2001, accusing Steven Spielberg of leading a satanic cult from his Malibu basement. Napolis also accused him of implanting a ‘soul catcher’ microchip in her brain. The courts eventually ordered Napolis not to come within 150 metres of the director. Undeterred a month later she found a new target, actor Jennifer Love Hewitt. Napolis believed Love Hewitt was part of the same satanic coven as Spielberg. After weeks of harassment, Napolis screamed out “Murderer! Killer! Skankhole, you are killing me!’ to Love Hewitt at the Latin Grammies. She also bombarded the actor with threatening emails. Thus in 2003, Napolis was back in court and received a restraining order from the star. The presiding Judge warned her to stay on her medications. Yet if one views the lunatic ramblings on her blog, she did not heed the advice.
6. Dawnette Knight: Michael Douglas’s Avenging Angel

In 2003, Knight spied a tabloid headline claiming Michael Douglas wife, actor Katherine Zeta Jones had been unfaithful. A huge Douglas fan Knight demanded vengeance on Mike’s behalf. The death threats directed at Zeta Jones are some of the nastiest in stalker history. When she eventually appeared at court in September of 2004, she then claimed having an affair with Douglas in 2002. Knight clearly a psychotic hypocrite, got three years in jail. It also ended her dreams of becoming a child psychologist’¦ pity the children.
7. Lisa Nowak: The Diaper Wearing Astronaut Stalker

In February of 2007, astronaut and mother of three, Lisa Nowak made headlines wearing diapers on a cross-country stalking mission from Houston, Texas, to Orlando, Florida. The reason Nowak wore the nappies according to police was so she could avoid toilet stops. Nowak’s target was former lover William Oefelein’s new girlfriend Colleen Shipman. Nowak eventually accosted Shipman at Orlando International Airport attempting to pepper spray abduct and kill her. If Nowak had been anyone else, she would have definitely served time in the slammer.
8. John Norman: Steven Spielberg and a Romance Interrupted

In early July of 1997, while Steven Spielberg was busy filming ‘Saving Private Ryan’ in Ireland. He received a call from his staff back home that a strange, aggressive man had attempted to invade his Malibu residence. Spielberg immediately pressed charges therein police discovered trespasser, John Norman’s elaborate plans to torture and rape Spielberg in front of his wife and family.
9. O.J Simpson: He Stalked and Walked
Famed athlete and actor O.J Simpson stood accused of murdering his ex-wife Nicole Brown and friend Ronald Goodman, on June 12, 1994, at Browns Brentwood home. Numerous police reports and credible independent testimony before, during, and after his infamous trial in 1995 depict O.J as a mad ass stalker. He is also a reminder, of the fear many people live in when involved with abusive and intimidating partners adored in the public eye. Simpson is currently pulling time for aggravated robbery.
10. Dana Martin: The Contract on Bieber’s Balls

Jail-bird Dana Martin a psychopathic paedophile orchestrated an insane plot to castrate and kill Justin Bieber. Martin valued Bieber’s testicles at U.S. $5000 and hired ex-cell mate Mark Staakek and his nephew Tanner Ruane to get them. The duos taking of the singers gonads hinged on their being at Madison Square Garden, New York on November 29, 2012. It was also crucial they killed Bieber’s small army of security guards before abducting him. However, Staake and Ruane never made it to the venue. They got lost crossed the border into Canada and were arrested. They missed New York City, Bieber’s bean-bags and a gruesome beating from his entourage by some 300 km.
Joss Stone: She could have had a Tombstone
In 2011, English singer Joss Stone narrowly avoided death at the hands of sociopath’s, Kevin Liverpool and Junior Bradshaw. Prior to their arrival on Stones street, and despite having a number of maps the two had gotten lost, crashed their car, and had to ask a Postman for directions. They then planned to invade her Devon home – decapitate her, and throw her body in a river. Their reason for her death was she had performed for the Royal Family, and attended the Royal Wedding. Now, if that was a prime motivation Stone must have been part of an extremely long list. That or the two space cadets actually believed they could get away it, which is as hilarious as it is disturbing. Thankfully after watching these weirdo’s in action, the neighbours contacted the police and Stone who was at home lived.
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