Famous Abusive Husbands

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Domestic violence is a global issue and, of its many forms, husband abuse is the most prevalent and the least-reported crime. The world community, from this perspective, is divisible into three categories; firstly, the communities wherein husbands abuse wives; secondly, the communities where the wives abuse the husband; and thirdly, the communities wherein none abuses the other. The first category is most common in the male-dominant Asian and African continents with a decreasing tendency in other continents. The second category relates more to the developed countries which have no gender discrimination and where it is considered fair enough for a wife to beat her husband should a need for the action arise and should her physique permit such an action, which usually is the case. The third category, for all practical purposes, is non-existent except for its utopian references. Variously known as ‘domestic violence,’ spousal abuse, battering, family violence, or intimate partner violence, the term entails the abusive behaviors including: kicking, biting, slapping, throwing objects, verbal abuse, name-calling, and similar other acts. In addition to the physical aggression, the husband abuse includes emotional abuse, intimidation, economic deprivation, unlawful imprisonment, harassment, and many other forms.

1. Raymond Sheehan

Raymond Sheehan
Raymond Sheehan

Raymond Sheehan was a 49-year-old NYPD sergeant who was murdered by his wife Barbra Sheehan in 2008. Sheehan shot her husband 11 times using 2 pistols. She told the jury that her husband would have killed her had she not defended herself first. The root cause was domestic violence and the incident had drawn national attention. In fact, Raymond, when alive, was not as famous as he became after having been murdered. Sheehan’s two adult children, the son Raymond and daughter Jennifer Joyce, testified that their father was too abusive and had made their home a living hell. The husband forced the wife to view the gory pictures of ground zero where he worked after 9/11. His aim was to intimidate her. At the time of the murder, Barbara was trying to escape when Raymond pointed a pistol at her, whereupon she shot him five times. When Raymond tried to grab the fallen pistol, she shot him another six times.

2. O. J. Simpson

 O. J. Simpson
O. J. Simpson

Orenthal James Simpson, better known as O. J. Simpson, was born in San Francisco on July 9, 1947.  He is a retired football player and college track athlete. He is a record holder for a single season’s yards per game being 143.1. He was elected to the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1985. He had a large fan base, and people did not believe when they came to know of the abuse allegations of killing his former wife Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman. He was acquitted after a long trial of the internationally, highly publicized criminal trial. He had a history of being an abusive husband, and he received a penalty of $33.5 million by a civil court for the wrongful deaths. He was arrested in Las Vegas in 2007 on the charges of armed robbery and kidnapping. In 2008, he was found guilty and sentenced to 33 years’ imprisonment with a minimum 9 years’ without parole. He is serving the sentence in the Lovelock Correctional Center in Lovelock, Nevada.

3.  Jim Brown

Jim Brown
Jim Brown

James Nathaniel Brown, better known as Jim Brown, was born to Theresa and Swinton Brown in St. Simons, Georgia on February 17, 1936. He is considered as one of the greatest athletes America ever produced. Sporting News named him the greatest, professional, football player ever. In 1999 he was convicted of misdemeanor vandalism for damaging his wife’s car. He did not accept domestic violence counseling and preferred to serve many months in jail. He said, ‘The conditions of my sentence were ridiculous.’

4. Charlie Sheen

Charlie Sheen
Charlie Sheen

Carlos Irwin Estevez, better known as Charles Sheen, was born to Martin Sheen and Janet Templeton. He is known for his appearances in films like: Wall Street, Hot Shots!, Two and a Half Men, Platoon, and Spin City. He has been accused of drug abuse and domestic violence. He was arrested on Christmas day in Aspen, Colorado when his wife, Brook Muller, reported to the police that he threatened her with a knife. A protection order forbids contact between them. Sheen’s previous record is also reflective of his tendency for domestic violence. He is assumed to have shot actress Kelly during their engagement, but it was taken as an accident. CBS had fired him on account of his alcohol and drug abuse. In 1996, he abused his girlfriend Brittany Ashland, and the dispute between them culminated into Sheen knocking her to the floor making her unconscious.

5. Rick Evers

Carol King
Carol King

Carol King, the four-time Grammy Award winner, married Rick Evers in 1977. The couple collaborated in the development of her album Simple Things. Rick Evers died the next year due to an overdose of heroin. Carole King revealed in her memoir, A Natural Woman, that her husband abused her; often striking her without reason. She wrote ‘Without warning, he struck with his right fist. He hit me hard as if he were in a boxing ring except he wasn’t wearing gloves, and he wasn’t in a boxing ring.”

6. Ike Turner

Ike Turner

Ike Turner was born in Clarksdale, Mississippi, U.S. on November 5, 1931 and died in  San Marcos, California, U.S. on December 12, 2007 at the age of 76. He is best known for his duo with his wife Tina Turner in the Ike & Tina Turner Revue. The duo was considered one of the hottest of all the R & B ensembles. Turner received two Grammy Awards and, along with his wife, was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1991 and into the St. Louis Walk of Fame in 2001. After the publication of Tina Turner’s autobiography, he became synonymous to the term ‘wife beater.’ He served 17 months in prison on account of drug abuse.

7. Chris Brown

Chris Brown
Chris Brown

Christopher Maurice Brown, better known as Chris Brown, was born in Tappahannock, Virginia. He is a self-taught singer, and his debut album topped the Billboard Top 100. He was platinum certified by the Recording Industry Association of America. On February 8, 2009, following a hot argument with his girlfriend Rihanna, he resorted to physical violence causing Rihanna facial injuries that required hospitalization. On June 22, 2009, he pleaded guilty and accepted a plea deal of community service, five years’ probation, and domestic violence counseling.

8. Sean Justin Penn

Sean Justin Penn
Sean Justin Penn

Sean Justin Penn was born on August 17, 1960. He is a two-time Academy Award winner for his roles in Mystic River and Milk. He also received a Golden Globe Award for Mystic River and a Screen Actors Guild Award for Milk. Penn abused his wife Madonna with his excessive drinking, bad moods, and his liking for pornography. He struck his wife in the head with a baseball bat in June, 1987. He pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor, and the couple divorced in 1989.

9. Sugar Ray Leonard

Sugar Ray Leonard
Sugar Ray Leonard

Sugar Ray Leonard was born on May 17, 1956. He is a retired boxer and best known for defeating the International Boxing Hall of Fame Boxers, including; Wilfred Benitez, Thomas Hearns, Roberto Duran, and Marvin Hagler. In 1980 he was named Boxer of the Decade. In 1991, his wife testified in the divorce court that her former husband often punched her with his fists, threw her around, and harassed her both physically and mentally in front of  their children. Leonard acknowledged in a press conference that the accusations were true.

10. Thomas Wesley Weeks, III

Thomas Wesley Weeks, III
Thomas Wesley Weeks, III

Thomas Wesley Weeks, III was born to Bishop Thomas Wesley Weeks, Sr. and Dr. Leona Brown weeks in Boston, Massachusetts, U.S., on January 16, 1967. He was an author and gospel singer. He attended the University of Delaware and earned degrees in Biblical studies and theology. On August 21, 2007, he physically assaulted his wife Juanita Bynum and was convicted and sentenced to three years’ probation with 200 hours’ non-church community service and anger management counseling.


A little delay is considered beneficial in improving relationships through counseling. There is an old saying that ‘If you ever feel the urge to hit a woman, it’s time to leave her.’ Keeping things under the rug for too long is considered injurious, and excesses are usually brought to the notice of the near dear friends and, depending upon the severity, to the law enforcement agencies too as they are better equipped to handle the situation.

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