Doves are one of the most commonly found species of bird. These birds originally dwelled in caves near the sea, cliffs and ledges. Later on they had also started living with human beings. They are domesticated by lots of people. They were first domesticated around 4500 BC. Â They vary in colours. Some of the other doves from the same family are the Mourning Dove and the Eurasian Collared dove. These too are quite common to find. They vary in size and colour from the Rock dove or the common pigeon. The Eurasian Collared dove is slightly smaller in size than the Rock dove. The Mourning dove is often confused with the Rock dove.
Here are some important facts on doves:
Rock doves or domestic pigeons were originally found in North Africa, India and Europe. Other than living in the wild these birds make nests in the urban areas with human beings.
While other birds have to tip their head backwards to drink water, the rock dove can directly suck water to drink directly from a puddle or any other water body.
Rock doves prefer eating food from an open ground so that it can take a speedy flight in case any danger is detected.
Rock doves have single partners and mate for life unless separated by death.
The life span of a rock dove is only three years while in the wild. In captivity it can live up to 15 years or even more. The oldest mourning dove lived up to 31 years and 4 months of age. The oldest Eurasian Collared dove lived up to 13 years and 8 months of age.
While watching doves one would soon be able to see their display of courtship. The male bird performs its customary bow. The birds run together and the male bird seems to chase the female bird. Thus they are bond through love by going through this mating ritual.
Another dove from the family, the mourning dove, can be seen to fly in groups of three during the breeding season. This is a social display. The bird in lead is the male mate and the second is the unmated male chasing its rival. The third is the female mate.
Mourning doves can live on brackish water and hence can survive in desert conditions.
The Eurasian collared dove or decaocto gets its name from Greek mythology. Decaocto was a servant girl who got transformed into a dove by the Gods to get away from her unhappy life.
Rock doves are exempted from Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) 1918 which was passed for migratory birds’ protection. They are classified under predatory birds.
Doves are the symbol of peace. These birds are generally peaceful in their lives. However their interference with human habitat can take away some peace from man’s lives. These birds are also associated with love for their constant mating partner and often due to their show of love and courtship. Killing doves has been banned and the offence can be punishable with a hefty fine or imprisonment.
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