Winston Churchill was one of the great world leaders of the 20th century. His full name was Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill. Winston was born on 30th November, 1874 in Oxfordshire, England in a palace named Blenheim Palace. His parents were wealthy aristocrats. His father, Lord Randolph Churchill, was a politician who held many high offices in the British government and his mother Jennie Jerome, the Brooklyn-born daughter of a wealthy financier. In his later life Winston emerged as one of the famous politician of Britain ever because of his strong and determined decision making ability which helped England to stand strong against Hitler. He was one of the great orators of his time and was very famous for many of his breath taking speeches and quotes. Winston’s unusual ways of life fills our mind with inquisitiveness. So, let’s here start with finding some little known secrets of this highly reputed politician “Winston Churchill.”
#During the childhood Winston was highly rebellious and furious which resulted a very poor academic record at school. Later on he got enrolled in Harrow school near London on 17th April, 1888 but there again he had to struggle because of his lisping Problem and red hair. His fellow mates started calling him by the cruel nickname “Copper knob”. (
#Winston was very fascinated with the army culture that just after leaving Harrow he applied to attend the Royal Military College, in Sandhurst. But he had to give the exam thrice for the selection. He finally got passed in 1893 on 22nd no. from a batch of 122 students. (
#He was not only an Army Personnel rather he was also a writer and a painter as well. There are 43 books and 500 paintings to his account. Except this he also wrote a six-volume work on the Second World War and one novel. Winston Churchill was awarded The Nobel Prize in Literature in1953. He is the only British Prime Minister to have won the Nobel Prize in Literature since its inception in 1901. (
#It is very surprising to know Winston Churchill used to hate Mahatma Gandhi and once he said “a seditious Middle Temple lawyer now posing as a fakir of a type well known in the East,” According to some prominent sources Churchill was even in the favour of letting Gandhi die if he went on a hunger strike. When Bengal was struggling with a famine in 1943, he responded in a very cruel manner to the urgent requirements of delivering food supplies to India with a telegram asking, if food was so scarce, “why Gandhi hadn’t died yet.” (
#Winston Churchill got elected as a prime minister twice. First on 10th, May 1940 to 26 July, 1945 and then again from 26 October 1951 to 6th April 1955.Winston served in the British Parliament for almost 55 years, before his career came to an end on 6th April, 1955. He began his political career at the general election of 1900 as the Conservative Member of Parliament for Oldham. He served the Britain in the reigns of: Victoria, Edward VII, George V, Edward VIII, George VI, Elizabeth II.(
#It is very surprising that in the history of Prime ministers he was the one who entered the music charts twice! He first charted in 1965 just after his death, with ‘The Voice Of‘ –which was a collection of his most famous speeches and quotes. Second time when he charted, album made a record marking on the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Britain: ‘Reach for the Skies‘, by The Central Band of the Royal Air Force. (
# Winston prominently took part in Second World War and was made a prisoner of war while working as a war reporter. He was caught by the Boer Soldiers when he was travelling to South Africa in an armoured train. Defenceless and wounded Churchill was no left with an option except Surrendering and luckily Boer soldiers decided not to shoot. Amazing thing was that Boer soldier who caught him came out to be Louis Botha – the future first Prime Minister of the Union of South Africa who later on worked with Churchill. (
# Winston Churchill was so popular at his time that his state funeral was attended by a massive lot. 350 million people watched it on television and around 112 nations sent their representatives to attend the funeral at St Paul’s Cathedral. He was buried at St Martin’s Church, Bladon.(
# Another very interesting fact about Churchill was that he escaped the Boer prison by Scaling a wall in the night. He had to travel a long distance of 300 miles from the prison to Lorenzo Marques, the capital of Mozambique. Due to fear of catching down again Churchill was forced to hide in a mine shaft for three days during the escape. This great act of bravery projected him as a national hero in the eyes of Britishers. (
#Today’s one of the famous abbreviation OMG was first used by the Winston Churchill in a letter to – Admiral John Arbuthnot “Jacky” Fisher penned the correspondence in 1917. Writing: “O.M.G (Oh! My! God!)– Shower it on the Admiralty!” One another very amazing thing about his personality was he was a diehard fan of Champagne once he stated: “I could not live without Champagne. In victory I deserve it. In defeat I need it.”(
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