One of the most economically influential countries in the world, America has a lot of interesting facts that would even leave the founding fathers surprised if they were to live in the present day.
Some interesting facts about America are:
- Since 1995, the US dollar has been devalued by over 95 percent by the Federal Reserve and is today responsible for having created the largest government debt in world history.
- As economically influential as it might be, there are still about 40 million people who are dependent on the federal government through social security for their food and survival.
- While American industry was once looked upon with envy by people all around the world, manufacturing employment rates have dropped by as much as 40% since 1979.
- In spite of English being the most commonly spoken language in America, the country has no official language as such.
- America has the highest divorce rates and teen pregnancy rates in the world.
- In America, 1 in every 4th person indulges in some form of fast food every single day and about 31% of the total population consume packaged food items more than fresh food.
- The first American President to have been born in a hospital was Jimmy Carter.
- 100 miles north of the Mexican border, in parts of Arizona there exists posted signs that warn American travelers to stay off limits because of the threat posed by Mexican drug smugglers.
- Out of 23 industrialized countries surveyed, America ranks 18th on basis of the quantity and quality of students graduating with high school diplomas while America was the leading country about 30 years ago.
- An estimate revealed that the total number of unemployed people in America accounts for more than the total population Greece.
- The smallest state out of the 50 states in America is Rhode Island that has an area of 1545 square miles as compared to the largest state which is Alaska with an average area of 663,263square miles.
- The oldest living trees found in America are Bristlecone pine trees. They can be found in regions of California, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona.
- Honolulu in Hawaii is the only place in America which has a monarchy of the Iolani Palace under King Kalakaua and Queen Lili’uokalani who were overthrown in the year 1893. The Palace serves as a museum in present day Hawaii.
- Hawaii is also the only place in America where coffee is grown commercially.
- Although the official state animal of California is the Grizzly Bear, no bear has been found in the state since the year 1922.
- Crater Lake in Oregon is the deepest lake of America that has a depth of 1932 feet. The Crater Lake is believed to have been formed about 8000 years ago from the volcanic eruption of Mount Mazama that caused snowmelt and precipitation in the surrounding mountains filling up the crater.
America continues to be one of the most unique nations in the world that has had migrants from all across the world that have blended to create a mixed culture of their own and even considered the birthplace for popular culture as we know of today.
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