Dysphagia is a disease or problem that is related to problems in swallowing both liquid and solid foods. This difficulty can be a reason of different medical issues causing structural disorder and weakness.
It mainly originates due to improper co-ordination between the muscles of throat and mouth. Here are more interesting facts about Dysphagia and related problems.
Due to the dislocation of the muscles of throat and mouth, food sometimes travels down the trachea instead of the esophagus. This results in complicated conditions with respiratory problems and can cause pneumonia if it is ignored.
Different symptoms of this Dysphagia includes intense coughing or choking after food intake, sudden loss of weight, throat clearing, problems in gulping foods or liquid in one chance, shivering fever, change in breathing pattern, dehydration and excessive salivary secretion.
There are mainly two types of Specialists who deal with Dysphagia; they are speech language pathologists and otolaryngologists. A person having breathing problem due to choking should be immediately rushed to doctor. One should consult a doctor if the person experiences any difficulty in swallowing.
Dysphagia is seen in both adults and children that may happen due to brain injury, difficulty in spine, neck or head, excess radiation treatment for cancer patients, stroke, Down’s syndrome or cerebral palsy. These are common causes of this disease.
Rare muscle problems like Parkinson’s disease sclerosis or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis can cause Dysphagia like narrowing, blockage or spasms in esophagus. Reflux is a dangerous thing that can create esophageal ulcers.
The problem of Dysphagia is cured by multi-disciplinary group involving an otolaryngologist, nutritionist, radiologist, speech pathologist, gastroenterologist along with a general physician who is well accustomed to swallowing disorders.
The patient has to answer a round of questions before undergoing a modified barium swallow study or MBS. The speech pathologist will mainly conduct the test along with the radiologist just to identify the exact nature of difficulty and the major reason of aspiration.
The patient then has to undergo a flexible endoscopic evaluation of swallowing or FEES. In this stage a tiny electronic camera is passed through the nostrils to see the throat and visualize the food or liquid struck in there. Here both the otolaryngologist and the speech pathologist are required.
Finally the speech pathologist surveys the tests and comes up with the possible ideas to cure the individual. Some vocal exercises might be given or some medicines are prescribed that help in safe swallowing. Â There are some more tests like Trans-nasal esophagoscopy (TNE), Mano-metry and pH monitoring, that the patient might have to undergo in extreme cases.
Further physical treatments for Dysphagia include muscle exercise for swallowing; this generally balances as well as strengthens the muscles. More basic strategies like putting down the chin and tilting the head on either side help swallowing. Injecting Botox, esophagus dilation and even reflux medication are prescribed sometimes.
Extreme cases of Dysphagia may lead to esophageal cancer. The wall of the esophagus is multi-layered and the first symptoms of cancer are visible in these walls.
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