Darfur is a region in Sudan, which is as big as France. It shelters about 6 million dwellers including some nomads of about 100 various tribes. Most of the residents are followers of Islam, and the primary occupation is peasantry. When General Omar Bashir started to rule Sudan from 1989, with his military coup, some tensions grew up with the National Islamic Front Government.
In this strife to rule, various weapons started to arrive in this area. This marked the conflict between the Arabian tribes and the African peasants. Here are some more interesting facts about Darfur.
Two rebellious movements started against the Sudanese Government in 2003. These were namely the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) and the Sudan Liberation Army (SLA). This was due to the bordering of the region and protection issues against the nomads.
To this, the Arab militias, ‘œJanjaweed’ was released by the Sudan Government. They were known as the ‘œdevils on horseback’ that destroyed more than hundred villages of Darfur. More than four hundred villages were demolished which led millions of tribes to go shelter less.
Several farmers and tribes were brutally murdered and banished from Darfur by the Janjaweed. This relentless genocide that took about 400,000 lives in Darfur while 2,500,000 were left homeless. The death toll was estimated to 100 lives a day. Seeing this anarchy, the Sudanese Government refused to accept the Janjaweed as their part.
The conflict in Darfur was termed as genocide by the United States Secretary of State Colin Powell on September 9, 2004. It was known as the worst crisis on humanitarian of the 21st century.
The Government seemed to declare any human rights deficiency in the Darfur area and was not bothered to take necessary initiatives to stop the Janjaweed. It was a racial genocide as the Black Muslim Sudanese were killed by the Arab Muslim Sudanese.
The first legal step was taken by the International Criminal Court (ICC) in 2005. Â They started their trails from human rights violation of this region. The Sudan Government paid no attention to these investigations. They did not co-operate with them.
Omar al Bashir was termed as the first president to be responsible for innumerable rape, mass killing and pillage against the citizens of Darfur. This happened on March 4, 2009.
Sudan Government turned down around 13 International Aid organizations in the year 2009. They had even forcibly shut down three domestic health relief camps. These institutions were taking care of the displaced mass of Darfur.
Apart from the arrest of Bashir, two other arrest warrants were issued against the Interior Ahmad Harun as well as Janjaweed military head Ali Kushayb. This was issued by the ICC but none of the surrendered to the ICC by the Sudanese Government.
Nowadays the Humanitarian camps for refugees are over-crowded in Chad as well as Sudan. They are breeding grounds for several contagious and infectious diseases. Around 20% population of Sudan are found to reside in these camps.
The Dafuris are still continuing to go through a lot of issues which are far from any solution. By the UN survey, 2.7 million of Dafuris are still displaced. The peace and stability of this region will take long to settle as it is still critical.
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