Bull sharks can be most commonly found in shallow coastal waters and near tropical shorelines. These also happen to be at the same places frequented by human beings for recreational purposes and thereby pose the greatest threat to humans. They are also considered to be one of the most treacherous sharks in the planet and extremely aggressive in nature.
Here are some of the amazing facts about Bull Sharks:
Bull Sharks have a blunt and short snout which they use to head-butt preys prior to attacking. They have elongated pectoral fins and a thick body that is grey above and white below.
This particular species of sharks is abundant in regions along the Mississippi river, eastern coastlines of Africa, Gulf of Mexico, Gulf of California, South-eastern Florida, and near Nicaragua. Bull sharks have also been spotted thousands of miles upstream of the Amazon River in the river rapids, their movement resembling Salmons.
The approximate size of a Bull shark is about 6 feet but can go as high as up to 11.5 feet. They weight approximately 200-500lbs.
They are also known to frequent bays and estuaries which is considered an ideal location for shark nurseries.
The average lifespan of a bull shark is 16 years.
Bull Sharks are known as the Zambezi shark or Zambi in regions along the coastline of Africa. Their scientific name is Carcharhinus leucas.
Bull Sharks are usually found on their own except during the mating season which is late summer and early autumn period. They have a gestation period of 12 months.
The nearest cousin species of the Bull Sharks are the Tiger Sharks and the Great Whites. These 3 species are the most likely of the Shark family to attack man.
Bull sharks have an inclination to eat anything they can spot which ranges from sea fish, dolphins, turtles, sting rays, molluscs etc. They are very fast and agile swimmers. Although humans do not appear on the list of a bull shark’s food menu, they frequently attack people just out of inquisitiveness and inadvertently.
The teeth of Bull Sharks are replaced from time to time throughout their life.
Their lateral line receptors help them detect any water movements around them during prey hunting.
Bull sharks are vulnerable to fishing pressure because they grow slowly and mature after 12 years. They can only reproduce 2 pups at a time and once a year.
Bull sharks are extremely territorial creatures and will attack anyone they find within their territory.
Depending on their location, Bull Sharks can even serve as meal for Alligators and Crocodiles.
Every year about 16 people are attacked by Bull Sharks in USA alone and approximately 2 of these attacks are fatal.
Bull sharks are not an endangered species although they are threatened at times due to fishing activities. They are hunted frequently for hides, meat and oils used for medicinal purposes. If they are hunted in such frequency, their numbers will shrink in the years to come causing them to become an endangered species. Studies have also revealed that over the years, the average length of a bull shark has decreased.
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