It was in the year 1896 when IBM came on high street. Heman Hollerith founded this grand organization. Earlier it was known as ‘˜Tabulating Machine Company’. Later in the year 1911, it came to be known as ‘˜Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company’. They have an impressive clientele base, namely Panasonic, Toshiba, Sydney Olympics and many more. The logo which we see today of IBM was created by Paul Rand, a renowned graphic designer. This logo represents the organizations high skilled expertise and innovation. In 1924 the company finally came to be known as IBM, the name with which all the IT giants relate themselves. It has already seen their centenary year in 2011.
Here are some of the underlined facts about IBM in detail.
The chips made by IBM are used by the world’s top notch brands like Sony Play station, Nintendo, Microsoft Xbox. Thomas .J. Watson is the brain behind the creation of the slogan ‘˜Think’ in the year 1914.
Around 20 fastest supercomputers are built using IBM’s Blue gene solution. The research is highly powerful and can detect nuclear power usage, astronomy, human genome mapping and brain studies.
Every IBM Client Centre actualizes acute acquaintance with you, ‘œwhether you are one of their clients, one of their Business Partners, an IBMer or addition constituent.’ The IBM Clients are not added by accident but are added to help provide cutting edge solutions.
One will get four Nobel Prize winners from amongst the employers of IBM. They are: Leo Esaki (1973), Heinrich Rohrer and Ger K.Binning (1986) and lastly Alex Muller and J.Georg Bednorz (1987).
IBM has already spent a huge amount of $130 million dollars for their own marketing and mid-marketing channels.
IBM has been awarded the U.S. National Medal of Technology by the President Bill Clinton in the year 2000. They have strived hard to be in this position. Forty years of innovative thinking in drive technology and storage products have made them legally claim this award. In the year 2002, they have 450 storage patents attributes to their name.
IBM’s character has been structured over almost 100 years of working together in the field of data handling and data management. Almost the sum of the organization’s items were outlined and created to record, methodology, impart, store and recover data – from its first scales, tabulators and tickers to today’s effective workstations and immeasurable worldwide systems.
IBM helped pioneer data innovation through the years, and it stands today at the bleeding edge of a worldwide industry that is altering the route in which undertakings, associations and individuals work and flourish.
The IBM PC transformation put machines specifically in the hands of a huge number of individuals. And after that, the client/server upheaval tried to connection those Pcs (the “customers”) with bigger machines that toiled out of sight (the “servers” that served information and requisitions to customer machines).
Young developers of the world find the IBM software more useful and user friendly than any other portals. It is tagged as the best deployment platform.
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