Facts about Wednesday

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The middle of the work week Wednesday is the most neutral day of the week unlike Monday or Friday which humans have even given nick names to.

Some facts to think about on a Wednesday:

  • Wednesday is derived from the Teutonic deity Wodan or Odin. Romans call it Mercurii honouring the god Mercury. Indians call is Budhwar after Lord Budha. Ancient Greek called it hemeraHermu after their god Hermes.

  • Various names of Wednesday in different languages; French: Mecredi, Italian: Mercoledi; Spanish: Miercoles, Dutch: Woensdag. The Japanese version of the name Wednesday means ‘œWater day’ as Mercury was known as the water star.

  • The German word for Wednesday ‘œMittwoch’ is the name not ending in ‘œtag’ i.e. day. Mittwoch means mid-week.

  • The popular Mother Goose nursery rhyme which gives attributes to a child born on each day of the week, suggests that ‘œWednesdays child is full of woe’. For this same reason, Charles Addams the creator of the popular cartoon and later on movie, ‘œThe Adams Family’ named the daughter of the show Wednesday.

  • Wednesday’s child is a TV show in the US where children is foster care are found families that adopt them.

  • The Wednesday word is ae-newsletter for the Indiana state library.

  • Sheffield Wednesday was originally called Wednesday cricket club as that was the day the members got together to play the matches.

  • Research has proven some weird facts about Wednesday, for e.g. Women look oldest at 3:#0 on a Wednesday and bosses are most open to suggestions on that day.

  • It is an important day for Catholics as Ash Wednesday in March marks the first day to lend. Spy Wednesday is the Wednesday before Easter and it refers to the treachery of Judas.

  • Wednesday falls between a Tuesday and a Thursday.

  • Black Wednesday is remembered as a day of financial crisis when the stock exchange crashed due to the British withdrawing the pound from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism. In one day the UK treasury lost 3.14 billion pounds.

Many people refer to Wednesday as hump day i.e. the hump to get over before the weekend starts. Truth is it is just another day and any incident which happens to happen on that day is by random chance. The Eastern Orthodox Church observes this day as the day for fasting throughout the year. Fasting on Wednesday and also on Friday calls for abstinence from eating meat products. In US many Catholic and Protestant Churches and even some of the Jewish Synagogues schedule their prayer meetings on the Wednesday nights. It has also been noticed in many American public schools while Monday and Thursdays are generally reserved for the girl’s games and Tuesdays and Fridays are reserved for boy’s games, the Wednesday is kept blank due to superstitious reasons. The ‘œQuakers’ often refer to the Wednesday as the ‘œFourth Day of the week’ in order to avoid the pagan association the exists with the word Wednesday, or may be just for keeping with the traditional practice of treating each day of the week equally divine.

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