Sound is one of the many things in our life that we take for granted, especially those that have been blessed with the ability to hear sounds. Sound energy is one of the most fascinating forms of energy here are some interesting facts about sound that will surely leave you enthralled.
Fact no 1: Sound travels at an alarmingly high speed. It travels at a speed of approximately 350 metres per second. This means that in a mere 1 second it tends to travel a distance of 350 metres. Light travels at a speed of 300 million metres per second, as a general comparison it will take light 1.2 seconds to reach the moon whereas it will take sound approximately 12.9 days to cover the exact distance. (Provided that sound is provided a medium to travel through)
Fact no 2: Elaborating on a point stated above, sound requires a medium to pass through, it cannot travel in vacuum. Sound moves with the help of vibrations of particles in a medium and this is precisely why sound requires a medium to move from one point to another. This medium usually consists of particles that are made to vibrate in a horizontal motion to and fro from their median positions.
Fact no 3: As compared to other types of energies, sound energy produces the lowest amounts of energy and thus if we use this energy to produce electricity, it will produce a very small amount that will not be substantial to run any device.
Fact no 4: Sound energy is one form of energy than the animals can detect in very minute amounts even. This is also one of the reasons why animal get to know of natural disasters before humans get to know of them. Animals can detect sound that humans are not capable of detecting.
Fact no 5: Since sound needs a medium to travel through, the speed of sound in all the three states differs from each other. Sound travels the fastest in the solids, then in liquids and with the least speed in air.
Fact no 6: Sound is used as an arsenal and has been in use in many battles. There are certain frequencies in which the human ear can hear things perfectly. Below that certain bandwidth of frequency the sound waves have no impact on the human ear, but even the slightest of increases of sound over the normal human audible frequency range can have catastrophic results on humans. Sonic devices such as these can either result in permanent or temporary hear loss and have been used quite profusely in the past to pacify riots.
Fact no 7: Have you ever wondered why the sound of a whip seems so thunderous? Well the answer in simple, the whipping sound is basically the sound of the tip of the whip when it surpasses the level of sound.
Fact no 8: Sound technically can not travel in some regions due to temperature changes. A very warm temperature can result in the modification of the placement of the particles in the medium; these are basically obstructions in the movement of sound and such zones in which sound cannot travel in are known as shadow zones. This is the very phenomenon that submarines use when they want to avoid being detected by sonar devices.
Fact no 9: When sound enters the human brain its like a big jig saw puzzle, the human brain has the ability to comprehend sound into something meaningful.
Fact no 10: Right after a huge bomb blast, a humungous amount of sound pressure is mostly released. This excess sound pressure can be fatal for humans.
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