Small business are generally private owned partnerships, sole proprietorship organizations. What makes these businesses being called as ‘œsmall’ is the term and nature of the tax policies or government supports which these organizations receive depending on the industry and country where there are established. For example, according to the Australian Fair Work Act 2009 any business establishment that has no more than 15 employees is considered as a Small Business, where as in the European Union a Small Business is classified where there is 50 employees working in the organization. In USA, according to the Small Business Administration programs, any organization that has lesser than 500 employees is considered as a Small Business. According to 2006 statistics, there are more than 18000 Small Business organizations in USA. Small Business can also be classified by other methods such as net profit, assets or sales revenue generated by the organizations.
Here are a few notable facts about Small Business in USA:
A typical Small Business includes small shops like bakeries, hairdressers, accountants, convenience stores, photographers, tradesmen, restaurants and also online businesses like programming, web designing and others.
In the United States of America, more than 50% of the working population which constitutes of 120 million people works in Small Business organizations.
Since 1995 Small Business in USA, has generated more than 65% of new jobs in the country.
It has been observed statistically that 7 out of 10 Small Business establishments survive for at least 2 years. Half of them for more than 5 years, one third of the Small Business firm stays for more than 10 years and one quarter of these firms survive for more than 15 years.
It has been noticed that more than 52% of all Small Business establishments are home based organizations.
In the US, approximately 543,000 new Small Businesses gets initiated each month.
According to 2011 statistical data, there are more than 22.5 million Small Business Non-employee firms in USA.
As per statistical records, approximately 75% of all businesses in USA are Non-employee Small Businesses.
According to 2011 statistics, 19.4 million Non-employee Small Businesses in the US are sole proprietorship businesses, 1.4 million are corporations and last but not the least, 1.6 million are partnership businesses.
The most common and the fastest growing freelance Small Business sector in USA includes beauty salons, auto repair shops and dry cleaning establishments. This data has been generated from 2011 statistical records of SBA which is the ‘˜Small Business Administration’ that provides help and support to all Small Business establishments across USA.
As in big business organizations the starting cost can be very high on a full time basis, all Small Businesses are well suited for internet marketing. So it has been observed that with the growth of internet after 1990s Small Business in USA has expanded by leaps and bounds, as it eased the response of small business owners to their market places.
Independence of working is another major advantage of Small Business establishments. It has been noted that 38% of all Small Business owners in USA are people those who have left their erstwhile jobs to become- boss on their own.
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