Facts About New York City

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New York City, also called the Big Apple, is a very beautiful city to reside in or just visit. It simply has everything that you would ever want in a big city. Find out some facts about this likable city from this article:

Fact 1: Seventy percent of the people in New York are satisfied with their living conditions, while 68 percent say that the city has improved over the last couple of years. Hispanics and blacks are not likely to rate New York highly.

Fact 2: In general, 60 percent of New Yorkers think that the police protection offered is very good. Nevertheless, half of Hispanics and blacks rate the New York police force as good.

Fact 3: More than 50 percent of people living within New York report being very healthy. Nevertheless, health reports greatly vary by ethnicity/race and borough. Hispanics and Bronx residents are not likely to state they are in great health.

Fact 4: Educational achievement is greatest in Manhattan. Moreover, 70 percent of  New Yorkers complete high school whereas 30 percent complete college.

Fact 5: Twenty-five percent of families living within New York own their own homes. Most of the houses that are fully owned by people are within Staten Island.

Fact 6: The Bronx residents have the least assets, with the Hispanics reporting negative or zero net worth.

Fact 7: Overall, hardship is very severe amongst Bronx residents, specifically Hispanic and black families.

Fact 8: Twenty percent of people within New York live in substandard houses, and 13 percent live in heavily crowded units. The highest rate of overcrowding is among Hispanics.

Fact 9: Roughly 80 percent of individuals in this town feel safe within their neighborhoods.

Fact 10: Most New York residents have one member of their family who does not have health insurance.

Finally, from tall and luxurious buildings to great cuisines from each corner of the world, New York surely has lots to offer.

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