Fact 1: Gustav Klimt was born in the year 1862 and was known as one of the most pioneering artists of the early part of the 20th century. He was born in a place called Baumgarten near Vienna.
Fact 2: Klimt was enrolled in the Vienna School of Arts and Crafts in the year 1876 and continued to learn art till 1883. He was also trained for architectural painting.
Fact 3: Â Klimt’s brother also joined the Vienna School in 1877, and the two brothers, along with their friend, started a small business named Company of Artists. They got a number of orders and started working as a team by the year 1880.
Fact 4: Klimt began his professional career by making paintings of interior murals and ceilings in huge public buildings.
Fact 5: The contributions of Klimt in the field of art were recognized by the Emperor of Austria Franz Joseph I in the year 1888. Klimt was felicitated with the Golden Order of Merit by the emperor.
Fact 6: Klimt was an honorary member in the University of Vienna and the University of Munich.
Fact 7: Klimt was one of the founders of the Vienna Secession in 1897 and was chosen as its president. He was associated until 1908 with the Secession. The major aim of this group was to showcase the artistic works of its members as well as to provide an opportunity for the young artists and foreign artists to exhibit their work in Vienna.
Fact 8: The group was supported by the government by providing it land for lease to construct a hall for exhibiting the works. The symbol of the group was Pallas Athena.
Fact 9: Some of the most popular works of Klimt include: ‘œPortrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I’ made in 1907 and ‘œThe Kiss’ made in 1907-1908.
Fact 10: The works of Klimt were unique from others by having golden or colored decorations that cover the erotic places of the drawings. He died on  February 6th, 1918.
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