Facts about Fruits

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1.Fruits have no Cholesterol
Fruits do not have cholesterol and most naturally have low levels of sodium, fat and calories. They are a major source of numerous essential nutrients that are often under consumed such as dietary fiber, potassium, folate and vitamin C. Potassium helps in maintaining blood pressure at healthy levels and fruits that are rich in this nutrient include dried peaches, bananas, apricots, prunes, honeydew melon, cantaloupe and orange juice.

2.Eating Fruits whole provides more Fiber than Juicing them Up
The fiber derived from eating fruits helps in lowering blood cholesterol and reduces the risk of heart ailments. Fiber also enhances bowel functionality and lowers diverticulosis and constipation. Fiber rich foods like fruits offer a feeling of fullness with lower calories. Cut-up or whole fruits are important sources of fiber; fruit juices often contain no or very little fiber.

3.Fruits are Important for Child-Bearing Women
Women who are in their child bearing age need to take adequate amounts of folic acid. Folate is important as it enables the body to form red blood cells. In addition to consuming foods such as fruits that are rich in folate, child bearing women should take 400mcg of folic acid from supplements or fortified foods. Folic acid lowers the risk of spina bifida, neural tube defects and anencephaly as the fetus develops during pregnancy.

4.Blackberry and Raspberry Fruits
There are more than 200 known raspberry species. However, only two of these species are farmed on a large scale. The first people to appreciate the raspberry fruit were from Troy in Turkey. In North America, Blackberries are indigenous fruits and the cross between raspberry and blackberry goes back to Geneva, New York in 1893.  There are more than 1000 known blackberry species.

5.Blueberry Fruit is becoming Popular
Blueberries are related to heathers, azaleas and rhododendrons and are native fruits in North America. Blueberries were not improved through breeding until 1900s and do not ripen after picking. Blueberries are becoming increasingly popular and are used as ingredients in more than 1500 products.  Compared to other fruits, they contain more antioxidants.

6.Peaches were called Persian Apples
The earliest mentioning of peaches in literature dates back to 79 A.D. They were once called the Persian apples and there are more than 700 peach varieties with some Chinese varieties been flat. In China, the peach fruit symbolizes good luck and longevity. The first peach orchard in the United States was started in 1565 in Florida. Most peaches are grown by grafting varying rootstock combinations to scions.

7.Fruits are Rich in Antioxidants
Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants and a consuming a diet that features them in plenty is healthy. People who consume fruits in plenty are at a lower risk of contracting several diseases.

 8.The most fruit grown in the World is Citrus
Citrus is said to have grown 20 million years ago in Asia and was mentioned for the first time in literature in 2400 BC. Initial varieties of Citrus were not edible due to bitterness. In Florida alone, there are about 10.3 million trees of citrus growing on 853,000 acres.

 9.Strawberries were Medicinal Herbs
In the 13th century, strawberries were used as medicinal herbs and were grown in ancient Rome. Strawberries are not really berries or fruits but are enlarged flower receptacles. Strawberries are grown in each province in Canada and in every single state in the U.S.

 10.Most Berries are Really not Berries
Botanically, berries are defined as fruits that have an outer skin and a fleshy interior as well as one that is formed by the entire plant ovary. This implies that avocados, grapes, eggplants, tomatoes, and bell peppers are all classified as berries in botanical terms.

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